
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

1. Oilfield downhole tools
2. Thermal compensator
3. Welding stainless steel around the Screen
4. Stainless steel composite Screen
5. Stainless steel fibers of the filter sand
6. Heat-filling tool
7. Gravel packing tools

1 做孩子的时候我们喜欢追随父母的脚步 喜欢迈着小小的步子跟在父母身后 即便是摔倒了爬起来抹干眼泪继续追随 那是爱的执著的追随 一直到后来我们几乎熟悉了父母的脚步声 懂得未曾等他们拿出钥匙已经打开门扉并笑脸相迎一身倦意的他们

As children, we like to follow the footsteps of our parents. Toddling behind them, we are so persistent -- when we stumble down, we will simply get up, wipe away the tears, and catch up with them again. This persistence to follow our parents come out of our love for and trust in them, and we will eventually become so used to their footsteps that we know when they come near home from outside very much exhausted , and open the door and welcome them home with our cheerful smiles.

2这个世界上每个人都喜欢爱吃亏的人 没有人喜欢爱占便宜的人 你想吃亏是为了赢得别人的尊重,那个懂得以更大的吃亏方式所回报你的人就是你所赢得的朋友
In this world, everyone likes those who are willing to give, and no one likes those who are just takers without giving in return. As you can easily figure it out, if giving more can win you more respect, then those who are willing to return you more than what you have given them are friends that you have got by being a giver.

3. 最难忘的事还是夏夜躺在妈妈的怀抱里数星星 遥望满天星斗跟着妈妈吟唱. 童年的夏夜就是一首品味不尽的诗 ———天上数不清的星星,妈妈娓娓讲着的故事. 幼小的心田里无数的好奇和遐想.
如今妈妈那温柔的摇篮曲已经很遥远, 不过我却把它连同那美丽的洋娃娃一起永远珍藏进美好的记忆里
The most unforgettable moments are those summer nights when I was counting the stars in the sky while lying comfortably in my mother’s arms. Watching the countless stars in the sky, I would sing along with my mother. Those summer nights of childhood are like a poem that I can savor forever -- countless shining stars in the sky and mother’s endless stories had aroused so much curiosity and imagination in my young heart. Although mother’s soft and warm lullabies are so remote now, they, just like my beautiful baby dolls, have become a beautiful part of my memories that I will treasure forever.


Love is like water after having survived the years.

All the loves and hatreds have become things of the past, the fames and vanities that we had sought for the whole life have now disappeared like smokes and clouds, and those whom we have nurtured and have cared for all these years are now living in the other ends of the world and otherwise only reside permanently in our thoughts. We have grown old together -- now you cannot even see well with your blurred vision and I am weakened like a dimmed candle light in the wind. We had struggles and frustrations, yet nothing was able to separate us, and those long years of being together have erased all the previously perceived weakness and shortcomings of each other. We have experienced all the seasons of life and have gone through all the storms and rains of years, always thinking the world was so huge with so many people. When we turn around and look back, we suddenly realize what is left of this huge world are only our small yard and the street that we occasionally step onto; and among the millions of people, only you and me are still together, loving and caring for each other, and holding hands in hands for the rest of our days.


各方有一个共识,那就是当前政权的封闭和宵禁对巴基斯坦有灾难性的影响,不管是在经济上还是在人道主义上, BETINI写道. 相反地,如果每一项措施都可以给人民以自由,商品和服务对巴基斯坦人民的影响将成倍增加,并且会使人道**危机迅速消退.

她的报道意识到了以色列必须保卫人民不受人*炸弹的攻击. 但 是她同时说,当前以色列保护平民不受伤害的政策和它的实施,两者还有一定的差距.







“有一个各方面一致认为,现政权的封锁和宵禁是对他们都具有经济和人道主义状况,”Betini写了对巴勒斯坦人民造成破坏性影响。 “相反,每一个可以采取允许人员,货物和服务的自由流通,将有步骤乘以影响福祉巴勒斯坦人民,也有利于人道主义危机的快速消散。”










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