near造句加翻译  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

He sits near the window.他坐在窗户附近。There is a post office near the parl .公园附近有一个邮局。

1、He starts with his homework at 7 o'clock every night.
2、She started with her report last year.
3、They started with their classes half an hour ago.

The library near the School

The stadium will be as near as dammit empty.

The pound, which ended last year near its annual low, is expected to come under renewed pressure today.

Don't go near that lashing tail.

It's near five o'clock.

As the day set for departure drew near, I told my wife that I could not accompany them.

We registered at a three star hotel near the airport.

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There is near the bank.在银行附近

  • 用Near造句
    答:4. As we drew near, I saw that the boot lid was up.我们靠近时,我看见汽车行李箱的盖子翘了起来.5. The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。6. He was near to death after a car smash.他差点在一场撞车事故中丧...
  • near是什么意思
    答:a near friend
  • near中文翻译
    答:20、near go.侥幸避开的相撞;几乎命中的炸弹;近距脱靶。
  • (near)这是什么单词?请翻译。
    答:Don't come near me.别靠近我。例:He drew his chair nearer the fire.他把他的椅子向炉火拉近了些。2.ADV Near is also an adverb. 靠近 例:He crouched as near to the door as he could.他蜷缩在尽可能靠近门的地方。例:She took a step nearer to the barrier.她向路障走近了一...
  • near英语意思
    答:<<主要翻译>> near (close in distance) 靠近,接近 Stand near me, please. 请靠近我站着。near (around) 大约,几乎 It's near nine o'clock. 大约九点钟了。near (within a small distance) 在…附近,在…旁边 Near where he was sitting, she found a coin.在他坐...
  • near是什么意思翻译
    答:v.接近;靠近 一、读音:英[nɪə(r)],美[nɪr]二、例句:His flat's very near.他的公寓就在附近。三、词汇用法:1、near用作形容词时,一般指在时间和空间相近或程度上相似,可引申表达感情上“亲密的,亲近的”等。2、near作“近似,相似”解时在句中作表语,但nearest...
  • near造句加翻译
    答:The library near the School
  • 用 to各造一个句子
    答:翻译:大学在河的左岸。2、Number Ten had nothing to say on the matter.翻译:唐宁街十号对此不作评论。3、The government took a hard line on the strike.翻译:政府对罢工采取了强硬态度。三、near造句如下 1、There was nowhere near enough for everybody.翻译:没有离每个人都近的地方。2...
  • 英语短语neαr the hⅰll什么意思
    答:near the hill 一.翻译:在山附近 二.例句:1.The children and their teachers are now nearthe hill.孩子们和他们的老师现在就在小山附近。2. Near the mountain there is a river with a beautiful view.在山附近有一条河,风景很美。3. The meeting is near at hand.会议即将开始。