near英语意思  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

例如She came from a nearby village
build a pumping station nearby the bridge
near by 则是作为词组用,是在附近、邻近的意思
例如 the shop is near by my school

near (close in distance) 靠近,接近
Stand near me, please. 请靠近我站着。

near (around) 大约,几乎
It's near nine o'clock. 大约九点钟了。

near (within a small distance) 在…附近,在…旁边
Near where he was sitting, she found a coin.

anywhere near 全然,压根儿 几乎,差不多
come near literal (approach ) 本义 走近,接近,靠近
Don't come near me or I'll shoot!

come near figurative (to nearly experience) 比喻 差一点就…, 几乎就要…
After I lost my job and my son died, I came near to a breakdown.

draw near (be imminent) 即将来临,逼近

draw near (come close, approach) 靠近,临近

go near 靠近,接近

in the near future (soon) 在不久的将来,不久之后

near and far 远远近近

near at hand 在手边,近在咫尺

near enough to (sufficiently close in relation to) 关系足够近的

near enough to (sufficiently close so as to) 足够近的

near future (a short time from now) 不远的将来

near miss 侥幸逃脱 差一点成功,功亏一篑 近距脱靶

near point (closest point at which the eye can focus) 近点

near side (side which is closest) 近侧,近端

near the ground (close to the earth) 靠近地面地

near to (close to) 距离、关系等 接近,靠近

near to (about to) 几乎,差不多快

nowhere near (far from, not close to) 与…差得远,远不够…

nowhere near (not at all) 绝不,肯定不

pretty near informal (quite close) 非正式用语 相当近的

too near (excessively close) 过分靠近的



介词 :靠近;近似于
形容词: 近的;亲近的;近似的


  • near是什么意思
    答:接近,走近 near [nIE(r)]adv.,prep.(常与to连用)近地,不远地;近,接近 the near future 不远的将来 The Nelsons are hoping to settle in Australia in the near future / in the not too distant future.尼尔森一家正希望在短期内定居澳大利亚.She knew she was near the shore because t...
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    答:near 英/nɪə(r)/ 美/nɪr/ adj.近的;接近;距离近;不远;不久以后;随后;近似;接近的;(亲属关系)近亲 adv.几乎;距离不远;在附近;不久以后;差不多 prep.靠近;接近;临近;在…附近;(用于数词前)大约,上下;(质量、大小等)相仿,接近;接近于(某种状态)v.(时间或空...
  • n e a r英语距离近怎么读?
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  • near都是什么词性
    答:near是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词、副词和介词,可以翻译为近的、亲密的,等等。例句:1、The new houses are built too near to us.这些新房子建造得离我们太近了。2、It is near impossible.那是几乎不可能的。3、Do you live (nearby/ near here/ close by)?你住在附近吗?4、We keep ...
  • near是什么意思英语
  • near什么意思
    答:near的意思是:近的,靠近的;接近的;近似的;不久的;近亲的;小气的 例句:Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table.别把那只玻璃杯放在离桌边太近的地方。提高英语成绩的窍门:1、很多人的英语口语或听力不好,其中一个重要的原因就是不会正确的英语发音。所以要解决这种状况,...
  • 在英语介词里,at 和 near的区别?
    答:1、near用作形容词时,一般指在时间和空间相近或程度上相似,可引申表达感情上“亲密的,亲近的”等。2、near指人或事物在时间或空间上挨近或靠近,多用于进行体。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。例句1:His clinic is near the newly-built...
  • 英语near ,谁告诉我怎么读
    答:near 英 [nɪə] 美 [nɪr]adj. 近的;亲近的;近似的 adv. 近;接近 prep. 靠近;近似于 短语 near money 准货币 ; [金融] 近似货币 ; 类货币 Near Dark 血尸夜 ; 恶夜之吻 ; 接近黑暗 ; 黑夜降临 Always Near 总在你身边 ; 永伴身旁 ; 总在我身边 ...
  • near和nearby有什么区别?
    答:near:near是指在附近,是介词,用在名词的前面,如They are near relatives.nearby:nearby常见用作形容词,它用作前置定语或后置定语,意思是附近的,近处的,还有在附近。3、词源不同 near:来自古英语 near, 更近的,来自 neah ,现拼作 nigh, 接近, -ar, 比较级后缀。nearby:词源near,靠近...