
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26


colorful Huainan或者rainbow Huainan

The discrepancy between Chinese and American high school campus culture lies in students’ different manner in dealing with interpersonal communication as well as human relation, which has obviously expressed in the relationship between girls. IN American campus, it is commonly to see that girls with beautiful appearance and perfect figure are accompanied by friends around. They are also the central focus attentioned and worshiped by others. Also, they are easily accepted by others in a totally new environment. Girls like those have many followers around them, thus, they will organize certain influential circles. Everybody wants to be a member of this circles and gain the same attention. Such kind of interpersonal approach between girls derives from the misunderstanding of aesthetic. Their over-emphasis on the aesthetic feeling of appearance will lead to the distorted mentality and their ignorance of the shape of personal quality and morality. In this sense, jealousy and hypocrisy follows naturally so that interpersonal relation will be more and more distracted. As everyone knows, both integrity and good quality serves as indispensable factors in maintaining everlasting friendship. By comparison, Chinese girls in high middle campus hold wise attitude towards persuing appearance. On one hand, they want themselves to be more beautiful; on the other hand, they want to gain academic achievement and improve their personal character as well. Certainly, that is also influenced by the fact that the whole social and campus culture attach great importance to the cultivation of knowledge. In such circumstance, the communication mode between students is more transparent. The interpersonal communication merely based on material level is not the mainstream of society.

The difference between Chinese and American campus culture is also refected in treating manner of interpersonal communication and relationship between students. It's specially highlighted in the girls.
In American high school, commonly, the pretty and hot girl will be surrounded by many good friends all the time like a superstar be much-anticipated and worshiped. They are much easier to be accepted even in a new environment. A lot of admirers are gathering around her and an influential relationship circle is established then. Everyone wants to become a member of this circle and be concerned as well. But this communication manner is mostly originated in the mis-understanding of aesthetic. Stressed too much on the fine apperance will easy to distort the mind set and ignored to shape the mental charactor and morality will easy to incur the jealousy and sham. The human relationship will become more and more estranged.
As a matter of fact, the honesty and kind-hearted are the indispensable factors to sustain the longterm friendship really. And relatively, the Chinese high school girls are more wisdom to pursue to the beautiful figure. They hope to make successful in their study and at the same time with a good looking. The humanity is promoted obviously. Of couse, it's influenced by the whole culture of society and campus have paid more attention on the education. Under such environment, the relationship between students are much simpler and more open. Generally speaking, it's not a mainstream of interpersonal communication based on material.

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