请大家帮我翻译一下,翻译 成英语,谢谢.不要用翻译 工具翻,我需要准确的。

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

1.Dictionaries play an important part in English learning.
2.The plane is going to take off in half an hour,let's prepare for it.(或The plane is going to take off half an hour later,……)
3.The medical workers are too busy to have a meal.
4.The bank is far away from here,you had better go by car.
5.How many students are absent today?

才转回来,没听说过pay an important part 啊,我估计是卷子印错了~你确认下呢,呵呵~

Since it's difficult to cut off some protein spots, five easily cuttable spots are selected.
1). protein spots 蛋白点
2). 题意中只说了“选择”了“5个容易切取的蛋白点”,没有说把这五个切除了(虽然很可能是这个意思,但没有表明清楚),所以用 select.

Another two groups of pictures are shown as below. They're not attached due to previous publishing on other magazines.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~倾情奉献 满意请采纳 好问好纳 再问不难~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I havn't written my blog for a long while, now I am customed to hidding bad moods. I have got upset these days because I don't dare and am not willing to admit that I still miss you. I want to know how you are now and I want to tell you I really regret about missing you.

It has been long time sinc my last diary.

Keeping things deep in my heart has been my habite now.

The emotion becomes unaccountable.

That's because I'm afraid to and don't want admite that I still miss you so much...

Still want to know your news.

Still want to know whether you're fine now.

What I really want to tell is losting you makes me really regret.