
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Chinese Lunar New Year holiday is coming, the shop closed in January 24thFebruary 10th delivery, delivery orders during recovery, unified issued in February 11th. I wish everyone a happy new year, happy forever!

I watched the Military Review during the National Day.It was held excellently for the sake of celebrating the 60th's anniversary.I also went out for a vacation and felt very good.

Funny actor Charlie Chaplin. People all liked him very much.

Now the evening a lot less adornment, also showed a comfort, make the person feels very comfortable.

Now the sailor suit has just use the sailors. In some countries sailor suit has become a special culture.

1. Chaplin is the comedian, and all of people like him.

2. The evening dress is lack of many decorations at peasent, so it shows the sense of comfort and makes us feel comfortable.

3. The sailors aren't dressed in sailor dress any more at peasent. The sailor dress has been the special culture in some countries.

搞笑演员卓别林。人们都非常喜爱他。Chaplin is a comedic actor and is loved by masses of people.
The evening dresses nowadays have fewer decorations and ornaments and, as a result, it has become more comfortable to wear evening dresses.
Nowadays, the sailors suits are not exclusively wore by sailors, in some countries, they have become a kind of specific culture.


Funny actor Charlie Chaplin. People all liked him very much.


Now the evening a lot less adornment, also showed a comfort, make the person feels very comfortable.


Now the sailor suit has just use the sailors. In some countries sailor suit has become a special culture.

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