
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

you can check it out, the user is te
same as this mail, and you can find some old photo's there, and by the way did
you get my last mail? still waiting for your reply :D

你可以检查一下,用户名和这封电子邮件一样,而你也可以在那里找到一些旧照片,顺便问一下, 你收到我的上一封邮件了么?我会等着你回信的:D

这是上一个邮件:hi, i think i've sent you a mail from my second account, so if you get it
please reply to this one :D take care

请回复一下:D 保重!



这是上一个邮件:嘿,我已经用我第二个账户给你发邮件 了,如果你收到的话,请回复。 注意身体。




you can check it out, the user is te
same as this mail, and you can find some old photo's there, and by the way did
you get my last mail? still waiting for your reply :D


hi, i think i've sent you a mail from my second account, so if you get it
please reply to this one :D take care


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