
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

as a student in the 21st, we should surf on the internet. we can gain domesic and international informations and whatever we want to know about through internet. we can send emails and make callings, go to school-online to read various kinds of books, english self-taught which could improve our english,in addittion to, we also can listen to the music,watch matches.play games and shop online to enrich our life
what is more, i can be more skillful by using computers.
but my emphasis is that we won't be immersed to the virtual world and won't let it affect study and life, so don't link to pornographic websites!!

As a 21st century student, we should surf the internet. Through the Internet, we can get the latest national and international news, and some information we want to know . We can send e-mails, and make phone-calls. We can learn at internet-school, read a variety of books,and even learn many kinds of foreign language and that can improve our performance. Through networks, we can listen to music, watch sports competitions, play online games, shopping, and the enrichment of our lives. Regular access to the computer can also enhance our capacity. But we should not wallow in the network, it will affect our life and study. Do not browse unhealthy websites.


Zuo wei 21shiji d zhong xue sheng ,women yingd shang wang.
Tongguo shangwang ,women keyi dedao zui xinde guoneiwaixinwen,ji women xiang zhidao d xinxi.
Women keyi fa yimeier,da dianhua .
Shang wangxiao,yuedu gezhongshuji,zixue waiyu,keyi tigao women d chengji .
Tongguowangluo,womenhai neng tingyinyue,kantiyu bisao,wan youxi,gouwu,fengfu wommen d shenghuo.
Jingchang shangwang neng tigao women d diannao Cao zuo nengli.
Dan women b yao chenmian yu wangluo,zheyang hui yingx women d xuexi he shenghuo.
B yao shang b jiankang d wangzhan.




  • 谁能帮我翻译下。谢谢大家。?
    答:翻译:我寄出我的思念给星星,希望你有一个美梦,这光芒就在你的窗口下。一、send 1、含义:vt. 发送;派遣;使处于...的状态;放出;运输。vi. 差遣;发出;传送。2、用法:send的基本意思是“派; 打发”,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地。也可作“用无线电波发送”“使…...
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  • 大家帮帮忙,帮我翻译一下。谢谢大家了,摆托了!非常急!
    答:1.no matter what 无论如何 2. such that 如此。。。以至于。。。3.so that 如此。。。以至于。。。或者 所以。。。4.drees sb 给。。 穿衣服 5. dress oneself 自己穿衣服 6.on the floor 在地上 7. be wanted on the phone 有电话找。。。8.each of 。。。中...
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  • 帮我翻译一下,谢谢大家。
  • 请帮我翻译一下,急用,谢谢!
    答:一、汉译英。1,I live one building with you, higher than you three layers, at 408.2,this road is divided into two parts of campuses.The teaching area lives area on the right side on the left side.3,along this road go forward, your affirmation can see there transact building...
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  • 请大家帮我翻译一下下面的英文 谢谢大家!
    答:venues, reservation, materials with such organization arrangement adjustment. involved in the project implementation of various periods, and write manuals within the group members are jointly responsible for activities related to the note reminded.用有道翻的,我希望能帮到你 ...
  • 英语好的帮我翻译一下,谢谢了!
    答:2:you were ,you are ,and you remain my dear friend.你过去是我的好朋友,现在是,今后也一样是!3:more recently ,people in some western countries have been moving from the cities to the suburs.近来,在一些西方国家中,人们不断地从城市迁移到郊区。4;the crisis ,however ,was ...
  • 帮我翻译一下,谢谢大家啦!
    答:那么只有舍弃鱼而选择熊掌了。生命是我所追求的,大义也是我所追求的,这两种东西不能够同时得到的话,那么只能舍弃生命而选择大义了 同情心,人人都有;羞耻心,人人都有;恭敬心,人人都有; 是非心,人人都有。同情心属于仁;羞耻心属于义;恭敬心属于 礼;是非心属于智。