
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02





1.It is my disadvantage that lacking occuption experience. it's only little when I work in school,the real exam not experience any more.
2.Although my character is clam,but the occupation that only in this way,might letting me lose energy,I like the things that is new and adventurous.

  • 急!谁能帮我翻译一下下面这些句子,翻译好的多给
    答:就我们目前所知,尽管我们今天看到的是一个非常富有和强大的美国,但是其南部地区,也曾经经历了非常艰难的时期。他们是如何度过困境取得今天的成就呢?让我们以亚特兰大为例子仔细研究一下。3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights...
  • 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下下面的句子,用简单的词汇和句型,谢谢
    答:1.It is my disadvantage that lacking occuption experience. it's only little when I work in school,the real exam not experience any more.2.Although my character is clam,but the occupation that only in this way,might letting me lose energy,I like the things that is new and ...
  • 求高手翻译一下下面的句子
    答:1. So, in a sense, you had a force for governance operating on the spot, which doesn't really exist now when companies have their centres spread all around the world.结构分解 评注性状语:in a sense ——在某种意义上 主句:you had a force for governance operating on the spot...
  • 英语高手们!求翻译下面的句子~用英语额,谢啦~(详细请看补充)
    答:There are lots of stores near our school .There are many school supplies here and many bookstores where we can buy reference books. Across from the school is a district which wasn't built yet. East Lake Park is next to the 41th middle school....
  • 请帮我翻翻译下面的句子,谢谢了,在线等吖,求快快快
    答:1. There are so many subjects that I can't finish homework on time. 2. Sleeping time is insufficient, sometimes I feel sleepy in class.
  • 请翻译下面的英语句子。拜托了
    答:study field over the past 5 years?在过去5年里,你认为在你的学习领域中发生的最大的变化是什么?29. How do you afford your tuition?你的学费怎么承担?30. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?你父母支持你关于学习的决定吗?他们提供些什么帮助?
  • 帮忙翻译一下下面的句子
    答:1.It is no use crying over spilt milk.2.The difference between Chinses and foreign langue is that Chinese is meanningful and it can be used alone.3.It was when I went to bed that the bell rang.4.I am not interested in whether you will come or not.5.We hold the ...
  • 帮忙下面的句子翻译成英文
    答:1.The tourism industry in China is developed, with advanced the knowledge about tourist management.2.You will develop yourself better after you graduate and return back from abroad.3.You will have a good prospect after your graduating and returning back.4.I could offer you the ...
  • 请帮忙把下面的汉语句子翻译成英语,要准确翻译,有急用。
    答:1、谁有勇气到前面来。Who has the courage to come forward?2、你拿一张活动卡,你那(拿)一张时间卡。You get an activity card. You get a time card.3、听清老师的要求。Listen to the teacher's request carefully.4、你们听到了吗?Do you hear that?5、你选择任意一个写,然后告诉...
  • 帮忙用英文翻译一下下面的句子,谢谢!!
    答:1.年龄18—32岁,形象良好。大学本科以上学历,外语类相关专业,专业英语八级证书;1. 18 - 32 years old, a good image. Bachelor's degree or above, majored in English, professional English level eight certificate;2.有翻译工作经验者优先;2. The translation work experience is preferred;3....