
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-08-31
I appreciate your patience to read my e-mail, 我很感激你耐心阅读了我的邮件
as I am in a very bad situation right now.因为我现在处在一个很糟糕的境况中
Please I want to ask you for a favor.我很想你帮帮忙。
Firstly I'm really sorry for not telling you about my Urgent trip to the UK.首先,我很抱歉地告诉你我要很紧急地到英国。
I came to Edinburgh to attend a business seminar.我到爱丁堡参加一个商业研讨会。
I want to confide in you and I want it to be confidential between us .我想相信你,而且,我希望这是我们之间的秘密。
am so sorry if this sound embarrassing to you,我很抱歉,这听起来可能使你很尴尬
but there is noting i could do than to mail all my contacts since this is the only means to get help.但除了寄出所有的联系方式,我别无他法,因为这是我唯一可以求助的方法
If you are not my friend or you are not comfortable with this and you got this email,please ignore it. 如果你不是我的朋友,或你对这封邮件感到不舒服,请忽略它。
I'm stuck in serious mess here in UK. 我在英国这里遇到了大麻烦。
I was attacked on my way to the hotel I lodged yesterday, 我昨天在去我下榻的酒店时遇到了袭击。
although I wasn't hurt because I complied immediately with their instructions.虽然我没有受伤,因为我立刻答应了他们的要求。
It was really a sad experience.这真是一个悲伤的经历。
They stole my mobile phone,my credit cards and all the money with me were collected by this useless Criminals.他们偷走了我的手机,我的信用卡,而且我的所有钱也被这些游手好闲的罪犯卷走了。
I have sent mail to the credit card company and blocked all transaction and I have also been to the embassy to report this case. 我已近发邮件到信用卡公司要求停止所有的交易,而且也去大使馆报告了这个案件。
Aside these, I need to sort out some vital issues including my bills.除此之外,我还需要挑出一些重要的问题,例如钞票。

Please I need financial assistance. 我真的很需要金钱援助。
I would like you to help me with ($1350.00 USD) or any amount you could afford. 我想你能给我1350美元或你负担得起的金额。
I will refund it back immediately on my arrival,even with interest if you don't mind. 我会在到达时立刻归还,甚至给你利息,如果你不介意的话。
I am sending this email with shock right now because they rubbed me at a gun point. 我现在发邮件给你的时候还震惊着,因为当时他们是用抢对准我,然后抢劫我的。
The more i stay here, the higher the bills.我呆得越久,花的钱就更多。
If you are ready to help me, you can just send the money over to me via Western Union, 如果你准备帮我,那么就通过Western Union(西联国际汇款公司)给我寄钱吧。
as I still can't use my bank account presently.因为我现在还不能使用我的银行账户
I have to get home first and confirm my identity again.我必须回家然后再一次地确定我的身份
I am quite sure there is a Western Union office around you and you can easily found through they website .我很确定你附近就有一间西联国际汇款公司,而且你可以在他们的网页找到
These are all the information you need to to send the fund.这些就是你寄款时要找的信息。

Kindly, e-mail the MTCN of the fund once the payment is done.You will have to email me,the sender full name,The exact amount sent on the receipt after the transfer.还有,再拜托,如果你已经寄了钱,请通过电子邮件把MTCN(MTCN即Money Transfer Control Number,即汇款监控号)寄给我。你需要寄给我寄钱人的全名、过户时收据上的准确金额。


我需要经济援助,我希望你可以提供我1350美金,或任何你能负担得起的金额。我回到后会立刻偿还给你。如果你不介意,也可以包括利息。我现在是在惊恐中发这封电邮,因为他们打枪时是用枪指着我。我在这里呆越久,就要负更多的帐单。如果你愿意帮助我,请把钱通过western union(西联汇款)汇款给我,因为我现在还不能用我的帐户。我需要先回家申请证件。我确定你的周围一定有西联汇款,或者你可以很轻易的通过网络找寻到它的资料。以下是你要汇款时需要的资料。

另外,请在汇款后把MTCN(汇款后的一个确认号码)电邮给我。同时,也需要把收据上汇款者的姓名,款项让我知道。 回答者: hppst | 二级 | 2011-3-22 17:36

I appreciate your patience to read my e-mail, 我很感激你耐心阅读了我的邮件
as I am in a very bad situation right now.因为我现在处在一个很糟糕的境况中
Please I want to ask you for a favor.我很想你帮帮忙。
Firstly I'm really sorry for not telling you about my Urgent trip to the UK.首先,我很抱歉地告诉你我要很紧急地到英国。
I came to Edinburgh to attend a business seminar.我到爱丁堡参加一个商业研讨会。
I want to confide in you and I want it to be confidential between us .我想相信你,而且,我希望这是我们之间的秘密。
am so sorry if this sound embarrassing to you,我很抱歉,这听起来可能使你很尴尬
but there is noting i could do than to mail all my contacts since this is the only means to get help.但除了寄出所有的联系方式,我别无他法,因为这是我唯一可以求助的方法
If you are not my friend or you are not comfortable with this and you got this email,please ignore it. 如果你不是我的朋友,或你对这封邮件感到不舒服,请忽略它。
I'm stuck in serious mess here in UK. 我在英国这里遇到了大麻烦。
I was attacked on my way to the hotel I lodged yesterday, 我昨天在去我下榻的酒店时遇到了袭击。
although I wasn't hurt because I complied immediately with their instructions.虽然我没有受伤,因为我立刻答应了他们的要求。
It was really a sad experience.这真是一个悲伤的经历。
They stole my mobile phone,my credit cards and all the money with me were collected by this useless Criminals.他们偷走了我的手机,我的信用卡,而且我的所有钱也被这些游手好闲的罪犯卷走了。
I have sent mail to the credit card company and blocked all transaction and I have also been to the embassy to report this case. 我已近发邮件到信用卡公司要求停止所有的交易,而且也去大使馆报告了这个案件。
Aside these, I need to sort out some vital issues including my bills.除此之外,我还需要挑出一些重要的问题,例如钞票。

Please I need financial assistance. 我真的很需要金钱援助。
I would like you to help me with ($1350.00 USD) or any amount you could afford. 我想你能给我1350美元或你负担得起的金额。
I will refund it back immediately on my arrival,even with interest if you don't mind. 我会在到达时立刻归还,甚至给你利息,如果你不介意的话。
I am sending this email with shock right now because they rubbed me at a gun point. 我现在发邮件给你的时候还震惊着,因为当时他们是用抢对准我,然后抢劫我的。
The more i stay here, the higher the bills.我呆得越久,花的钱就更多。
If you are ready to help me, you can just send the money over to me via Western Union, 如果你准备帮我,那么就通过Western Union(西联国际汇款公司)给我寄钱吧。
as I still can't use my bank account presently.因为我现在还不能使用我的银行账户
I have to get home first and confirm my identity again.我必须回家然后再一次地确定我的身份
I am quite sure there is a Western Union office around you and you can easily found through they website .我很确定你附近就有一间西联国际汇款公司,而且你可以在他们的网页找到
These are all the information you need to to send the fund.这些就是你寄款时要找的信息。

Kindly, e-mail the MTCN of the fund once the payment is done.You will have to email me,the sender full name,The exact amount sent on the receipt after the transfer.还有,再拜托,如果你已经寄了钱,请通过电子邮件把MTCN(MTCN即Money Transfer Control Number,即汇款监控号)寄给我。你需要寄给我寄钱人的全名、过户时收据上的准确金额。 回答者: hojingying | 六级 | 2011-3-22 17:50

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