
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

一般将来时:Will the books be sold tomorrow?
现在完成时:Have the books been sold for a week?
含情态动词:Can the books be sold anytime?

Why not get up early?
Why not ask your teacher?

Why don't you stop working and have fun?
Why don't you look for a new job?



1.The book is red.
2.It is an apple.
3.Three is smaller than five.
4.To protect the environment is our duty.
5.Which book is red is his.
6.He is a student
7.This book is yours ,where is his?
8.The number of the students is 42.
9.They work hard all the time.
10.Now,the most important thing is to study hard.
11.They are reading books .
12.This is what I am looking for
13.The flowers are beautiful
14.He borrowed my book 3 days ago ,but he lost it yesterday.
15.They count 1 to 10.
16.只能做介词宾语:He came (from abroad)
和做宾语补足语:Please let the girl in first
17.只能做宾补:We must keep everything in good order.
18.不定式做宾语只有一些单词可以也就是动词+to do
如:I hope to see you soon
19.He enjoys playing football
20.也就是宾语从句:He said (that) he had been to shanghai
21.只做宾补Please make your room tidy.

1. The dog is very beautiful!
2.He is a student .3.没看懂,不好意思!
4.To see is to believe! 5.The book he reads is mine !
6.Jim is a teacher.
7.9.貌似不能做表语8.The number is three.
10.同4题。11.seeing is believing.
12.13. you are cool!
17.He likes to play basketball.
18.He wants to play.19. He likes playing.
20.he want to do what he wants to do.

1.The sun rises in the east.
2.He likes dancing.
3.Twenty years is a short time in history.
4.To see is to believe.
5.It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.
6.He is a teacher.
7.Seventy-four!You don't look.
8.Five and five is ten.
9.His father is in.
10.To wear a flower is to say"I'm poor,I can't buy a ring.
11.His hobby is playing footba;;.
12.The question is whether they will come.
13.He is asleep.
14.He hates you.
15.How many do you need? We need tow.
16.We found nobody in.
17.Please make yourself at home.
18.I hope to see you again.
19.I enjoy working with you.
20.Did you write down what he said?
21.We will make them happy.

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