
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

Some girls are dancing on the stage. Novels are often adapted for the stage.


一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。 The city was staging Hamlet.
该城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。 They decided to stage a general strike.

. He is famous for his fine acting.
Their school is different from ours.
他们的学校与我们的不同。The delegates come from different parts of the world.
代表们来自世界各地。 That is quite a different matter.

Look at part one.看着第一部分。Parts of the book are interesting.
这本书有几部分很有意思。 That's a radio serial in ten parts.
那是一部十集广播连续剧。 Our workshop turns out parts for generators.

His books have a large audience.
他的书有广大的读者。 He was granted an audience with the king.
他获准觐见国王。 The audience enjoyed every minute of the performance.

There was a large audience in the theatre.
Why not buy both?
为什么不把两件都买下? Both his eyes were severely burned.
他的双眼都严重烧伤了。 We like Amy and Phil both.
艾米和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。 The prospects both excited and worried me.

What about going for a row?

They rowed across the lake.
他们划船过湖。 He had a row with his neighbor.

The teacher told the children to stand in a row.

All the parts of the building are in perfect balance 建筑物的各部分都显得非常匀称 He can wait for ever, for all I care. 他可能永远等下去,这与我无关。

1.give up:He can't give up smoking
2.go on doing sth:Let's go on playing basketall
3.used to do:We used to go there
4.as long as:I'll lend you money as long as you return back soon
5.instead of:We'll play basktball instead of playing football
6.be good at:They are good at speaking English
7.take part in:Let's take part in the game
8.find out:Please help me find out his new address
9.go by:You must go by the rules
10.take one's place: I'll take his place to finish the work
11.be fond of:He is fond of fun
12.put on end to:Let's sing a song to put on end to this meeting
13.be full of:This truck is full of apple
14.in advance:Please tell me the result of the meeting in advance
15.go wrong with:Something must have go wrong with the operation.
16.what's more:I'll go there,what's more he'll go there
17.go about:Let's go about our work now.
18.in person:I think I can do the work in person
19.get hold of:He gets hold of the rope
20.a sign of relief:I sat in the chair with a sign of relief
21.get rid of:I can't rid of the worry
22.in bad temper:He is in bad temper today
23.pass on:Please pass on the box to me
24.do sb a favor:I can't move the box,please do me a favor
25.break down:He broke down because of the hard work
26.brdak out:The war broke out yesterday
27.even if:I won't say a word to you even if you come tomorrow
28.on purpose:He didn't do it on purpose,that's by habit
29.go out of one's mind:If he don't apologise for it,I'll go out of my mind
30.taste in sth:Your taste in music differs from hers!
31.mistake for:He was mistaken for me
32.at times:We go there for holiday at times
33.hit upon:I hit upon a good idea

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