
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

Safety education class:
Classroom corridor is not running, safety first is well
Abide by the order of the stairs, the hubbub died down Jinjiao Shi
Softly jog trot off corridors, up and down the stairs right at
Up and down the stairs right onto the remarkable civilizations softly jog trot
100 good civilization first, think of safe heaviest 10000
Civilization is in the details, security lies in preventing
Healthy life and civilized life of a man well-being of peace every day
Safety and well-being to absorb civilization and beautiful peers
Safety awareness from time to time have not forget the road to civilization, bearing in mind that you are my heart Keke
Tree civilized new practices and legislation to do the safety awareness of health ambassadors Show Zhenwofengcai
Let us hand in hand so that the health and safety and accompany us to civilization and hugged us

Civility and Etiquette Class:
Love me, love classes, love school; patriotism, love of family, love the world
Care for all classes, that is, a concrete manifestation of the patriotic love of the school
Ai-class environment is the love of the motherland and loving home
Demeanor of the lady temperament gentlemanly gestures
A smile is our language, civilization is our belief that
Bid farewell to bad habits, healthy and civilized.
Maintain a clean and pay attention to hygiene.
For you my health, please attach importance to public health.
Civic-mindedness, responsibility, honor, and always kept in mind

Who is the source of life, please save water
Drip is a cherished treasure of life.
Drip precious, and bit by bit as Xi.
Moving hands and says, "off" living bit by bit.
A "drop" collection, has a long history.
Water conservation is to protect our planet.
Mercy on hand to spend a bright, sentimental grass at the foot of grass!
Dress in the world with beautiful flowers, we beautify the campus with action!
Green's life, our common care.
You appreciate the beauty of flowers, flower appreciate your noble.

Concerned about the school, our duty; love school, and our obligations; love school, our mind.
Let us demonstrate the quality and civilization in words and deeds of the!
Let the breath of civilization, permeated every corner of the school.
Smoothly pick up a word paper, the exact purity of their hearts and minds.
Intention to wipe a stain, purify the soul of its own.
Behave badly on minor occasions, do good deeds, do not refrain from
Today, you smile it? Greet you it? You comity it? You help someone it?
Civilization is a bridge to communicate with each other.
Green, civilization is the hope, let us work together to sow hope the bar!
Civilization is the core success of the flowers is an ideal boat to sail.
Let the breath of civilization, permeated every corner of the school.
In addition to bad habits, stressing civilization, establish a new trend.
Cherish themselves, love others, get rid of bad habits, from what I start.
Planting civilization, warm harvest
America is a civilization, the United States is the wisdom, the United States is the dedication




21. The wind is blowing the tree.
22. You should take off the shoes before getting into the house .
23. There is a guitar near the window.
24. I often take bus to go to school.
25. I play football twice a month.
26. I will play a kite tomorrow.
27. I run everyday to make me strong.
28. Would you mind if I turn off the light?
29. He often helps me with my English.
30. I got flu and I don't feel good.

21. The wind blows the tree. 22. People should take off shoes before entering the door.
23.There is a guita near the window. 24. I often take a bus for shcool. 25.I play football with my friend twice a week. 26. He will fly a kite tomorrow. 27. Running makes him strong. 28.Do you mind me turning off the door?
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