
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
英语句子改错 1、( )In primary schools there are woman teachers more than men teachers.改正: A B

把woman改成women,复合名词的复数形式一般只将主要的名词变成复数,如girl student----girl students 但当有man和woman的复合名词,要连同man和woman改成men和 women,这两个单词特殊

beijin,the capital of china which has the long history!

beijin is the capital of china which has the long history!

beijin which the capital of china has the long history!
这句话肯定是不对,which 后面的部分应该是一个从句,从句也是句,不能缺少动词,所以这句话可以写作“beijin which is the capital of china has the long history!”这句话也可以用同位语来表达,“beijin, the capital of china, has the long history!”两个“,”之间即同位语。

26、my suggession is that more attention should ...
27、 more expensive 改为higher 与价格高搭配的应该是high
28、amount改为number ,amount修饰不可数名词
29、chances 改为单数chance与后面的单数名词对应。
30、because改为that, 与the reason 对应的表语从句连词应该是that,这是 常犯的错误。
31、develop改为developing , developing space research在此句中做think的宾语从句中的主语,所以要用developing ,另外spend应该为cost,因为主语是物。
32、go改为going。people going abroad 做改句的主语。
33、learn前面加to,sth is adj for sb to do sth。
34、are 改为is 。Raising pets整个作主语,作为一种行为,所以谓语动词要用is,即单数。
35、accompany应该为单数accompanys。因为前面主语是单数pet,后面的like dog and cat 只是做pet的状语。
36、Keep 改为Keeping , 一个句子中不能出现两个谓语。
37、reveal 改为revealing ,reveal 做medical reports 的定语。
38、enter into the room中的into去掉,enter本身就是及物动词,所以不用介词。
40、It arises中的arises应该为rises。
41、Pursuit of fashion 中要将Pursuit改为Pursuiting, 解析同36题。
42、此题中有两处错误,第一个others后面的people应该去掉,另一个就是college students do 的do应该改为doing ,college students doing the part-time job 整个是做suggest的宾语从句中的主语的。
43、Young people live and study by themselves 中应该为Young people living and studying by themselves ,答案同42中的第二个错误。
44、But 是连词,应该与主句连用,但是题中并不是这样的。
45 it’s disadvantages far overweight it’s advantages. 中存在很多错误,应该为its disadvantages are far overweight its advantages 。
46、 myself 改为it,it is adj for sb to do sth 。
47、I am very difficult 改为It is very difficult 或者I have much difficulty .
48、dangerous 改为 dangered 。dangerous 表示主语对外界构成威胁,而dangered 表示主语受到威胁。
49、look into the case前面应加上make/let you ,因为look into the case 的是人,而不是信。
50、rapidly应该为rapid修饰名词raise 应该用形容词。
51、entered into中的into应去掉,因为enter是一个及物动词,无需加介词。

1.My suggestion is that more attention should be attached to the issue of youth drug abuse(这种that不能省)
The price of milk is higher than rice(价格论高低)

The reason why people choose to live in cities is the city life is more convenient and colorful.(去because)
31.People think develop space research will cost a huge number of money. (spend以人作主语)
32.Now people going abroad becomes very easy. (两个谓语)
33.Computer is a useful tool for student to learn English. (非谓语形式)
34.Raising pets is good for old people and child. (主语是单数)
36.Keeping pet in big city is not allowed.

1 more 前面加that
2 rice前加that of
3 amount-number
4 body-health
5 because-that
6 develop-to develop
7 go-going
8 learn- to learn
9 are- it
10 pet-pets dog-dogs cat-cats
11 keep-keeping
12 reveal-revealing comfortably-comfortable

13 enter本身包含了into的意思,所以把into删去
14 keep-keeping
15 as to -that
16 waste-wastes
17 others-other或者把people去掉
18 study-learn learn by oneself是自学的意思
19 computer前加playing
20 it's -its 或者把it's删去

21 roommate’s-roommates'
22 I am -It is
23 he -it left- he was left
24 and-to
25 rapidly-rapid
26 into-\

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