
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-16

Multivariate function infinitive limit the model
Abstract: to evaluate a circular function infinitive limits of ROM will reach law extended to the situation, multiple functions of multiple function is first in differential mean value theorem and cauchy multivariable function, so that the type and the type of infinitive limits of ROM will reach law. Simply said the other way to solve this problem.
Keywords: multiple functions; Infinitive; Limit; ROM. Will reach law

感激不尽.活着翻译成英文是:Live with emotion,见下图翻译


Time went by quickly, the experience is over a period of several months, during which time, the practice of learning enriched my life, I learned a lot of book knowledge can not experience. Through practice, I touched a lot, get a lot of new knowledge on many issues of more than a deeper times. Recall that a few months of life, a man in a new environment, meet new relationships, always been very hard thing, coupled with the busy work and intense pace of life can really be described as a Yong Jian Xin.

During the internship, I learned many things, encountered some difficulties, have also seen many problems itself. Although the start that the provisional promotion is not a hard job, but the person on the scene or personally pitched to realize his lack of ability and lack of knowledge. My practice is in fact working. During this time, there are too many feelings, and sometimes did not know where to start. During this internship, I have quite a lot of sentiment:

1, as students, we are no matter to which company, will not give us the start too many layout tasks, generally make us familiar with the company's work environment, during which time many people will feel very bored , nothing to do, it would have to leave the idea. At this time we must insist, can not give up easily.

Two, because I am in sales, during the sales process will meet different people, that they will use a variety of attitude towards you, which requires you have a strong adaptability. Also do a good job and the relationship between colleagues and superiors, to their own volition to do something, to get all the positive, so the course work also made many friends, can be said to enjoy it!

3, in the work process, we will certainly encounter many problems, many of us do not know, do not know what we would humbly ask to colleagues. At the same time, we should not be afraid of making mistakes. When everyone has made mistakes, work for the first time a mistake does not matter, it is important rectifies it. So step by step, we can be substantially improved.

Practice, is the end of college life, but also their social work into the beginning. Practice in this short period, I deeply felt their lack of professional theoretical knowledge and practical application of the gap. Study in future work, I will work harder, learn from each other, humbly ask for advice, and constantly improve themselves in the community to contribute their part. Posts, no matter what the future will strive to better themselves, would be a to ourselves, accountable for the people!


hi guys ,you should transl. it by yourself ,are you a university student?which college?I think your college is not good.


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