
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-27
专业的英语术语翻译谁懂啊!!高手请进啊!~!! 急~!




bresilienne wvg





He is a committee member of Fluid Power Control, Chinese Society
of Technological Applied Mechanics, and Hydraulic Power, Chinese Society
of Mechanical Engineering.

He is with The State Key Laboratory for Fluid
Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University.
In 1985, he was a Visiting Scholar at
IHP RWTH Aachen, Germany. His current research
focuses on pneumatic control.

1.The Greatest Emperor Ancestor of Han Dynasty

2. 要说意思不一样的部分就是: man一般指男性,person没有性别。感情色彩是一样的。

3.羊皮卷: The Scroll Marked.(英文畅销书的名称,原著是这个名字,“羊皮卷”是意译过来的,不能直译回去。这里可以下载到:http://www.mydown.com/tests/245/245642.html)。)

the greatest salesman in the world

emperor Liu Ban...the primary emperor of Han dynasty..


3.lambskin scroll, the world's greatest salesman

1. ping-yin ' Han Gao zu'
2. 基本一样,不同的context而已,obviously 'person' applies to 'women' as well...
3. sheep skin scroll, the greatest sales man in the world

1.the first majesty of Han dynasty
majesty 能体现出最高皇权,威望
2.successful man 更能体现他作为男人成功的一面,有一种男性宽容大度的魅力在里面,而successful person 主要是在宽泛的夸耀一个成功的人
3.lambskin scroll,the greatist salesman of the world

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