
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11


This summer was a very sad one to me. Your leaving has broke my heart. (一楼这句话翻的对了 但是不够准确 不地道 broke my heart在这里更好表达,二楼这句话完全翻错 三楼的话不太地道也是)But the fact of me standing on your side will never change(这样翻的意思是 我永远站在你一边的这个事实是不会改变的)

I understand your feeling against the Barcelona. (我觉得楼上几个在这里用的介词都不准确 因为感情的时候介词应该是against) That is where your dream begins. I also know how strong your eager is to be a champion. I Appreciate your contribution to the team. And those good days have been stored in my memory forever. (我觉得这里用store来修饰记忆更准确) Being one of your fan, i will give you my best wishes wherever you are heading to (heading to 这里有走向哪个方向的意思)

Being back to Barcelona and your family and friends, you have to be very happy. Watching your excellent performance in the match and your face full of happiness when you are holding the award, and those moves you did when you are kissing your uniform of your team, I know you are enjoying everything you have in Barcelona because you seems that nothing can beat you. Best wishes to you.

I am very much worrying about your injuries. I hope you can recover soon

From AC milan to real Madrid, chase along with you, support you. With real Madrid this summer you come to China, and I went to the scene to cheer on you, in China there are so many people support you!!!!! Your happiness is our greatest happiness!

I'm very happy to see you again on the pitch, I know this smile smile's back is hard training and tears of sorrow. I'm very happy to see you after the goal of the celebration of the passion, that is a question of sound off. You use unremitting efforts to tell everyone, kaka is back!!!!!

In that difficult days, I really worry about you, but I know you will not give up, because you are a great athlete, is a strong man, so I believe, that on the court invincible wherever kaka will come back.

I know the family support is you the biggest strength, but later if encounter difficulties in China, please think of your fans, and we will always support you. Of course, I'll pray for you, hope you won't meet again after all kinds of setbacks and injuries.

Looking forward to bring you back to the feeling of goals. Looking forward to your performance to help the team to victory. Expect you to become more of a game of heroes.

Bless you and his wife children always happy





祝福你和妻子 孩子们永远幸福

I was AC milan fans, is also your fans

"Family Teachers HitmanReborn" around Pengo column (Italian mafia) 10th-generation leader of Kanazawa Tian Gang Ji and other family members growth will start to a series of stories. 彭格列初代后裔沢田纲吉是一个做什么都不行的人,但是为了培养成彭格列家族首领,从意大利来了一名杀手叫做里包恩。 Pengo out on behalf of the descendants of the early Kanazawa Tian Gang Ji is a line of people to do nothing, but to develop into a family of Pengo column head, came from Italy, where a killer named baun. 就这样,一场充满热血的故事就开始了! In this way, a story full of blood had begun!

不擅长运动与学习,做事没有恒心,一事无成的少年沢田纲吉,在他面前出现了一位自称杀手的婴儿(彩虹之子)里包恩,并成为他的家庭教师。 Not good at sports and learning to do things without perseverance, nothing juvenile Kanazawa Tiangang Kyrgyzstan, appeared in front of him claiming to be a baby killer (Rainbow's son) and wrap-yan, and became his tutor. 里包恩声称要培育阿纲成为意大利黑手党彭格列家族的首领,并利用死气弹,开始教育并培养阿纲成为适合当首领的人。 Reborn claim to nurture the Italian Mafia A Gang Peng Gregory family, leaders, and the use of dead air bombs and began to educate and train to become fit to be leaders Agang people.

被打中死气弹的人,他会死,但他死前有后悔的事情想做,那么他就会重生,不能控制自己,拼死去完成这件事。 Was shot dead air bombs, he will die, but he wanted to do things before his death there is regret, then he will be reborn, can not control themselves, desperate to finish it. 这是他会获得很强大的力量,导致衣服破裂,剩下一条内裤。 This is his will be a very powerful force, leading to rupture of clothes, and the remaining pair of underwear.

经过了和敌人无数次战斗后,纲得到很大的成长,他获得了强大的力量,这是他能控制自己的力量了。 After countless battles and enemies, the key link to be great potential for growth, he received a powerful force, which he can control its own strength of. 纲和他的守护者门利用指环去战斗。 Gang and his guardian of the door to use ring to fight. 格列指环为彭格列继承者的证明,指环分为大空、岚、雨、晴、雷、云、雾七种属性,指环上铭刻着首领和守护者的使命和其特有的特征,每只指环都有不可思议的力量. Greg Gregory ring for Peng successor proof ring is divided into big air, Lan, rain, sunny, thunder, clouds, fog, seven kinds of properties inscribed on the ring leaders and the guardian of the mission and its unique characteristics, each ring have incredible power.



<HitmanReborn> is centered on a series of story about 沢田纲吉 who is the tenth leader of 彭格列(the Italian Mafia),and his family members. 沢田纲吉,the first offspring of 彭格列,is a man who had little capability to do anything.However,in order to make him a powerful leader,a killer from Italy came to help him.His name is4 里包恩.In this way,a story full of passion finally began.
里包恩 became 沢田纲吉's tutor.He declared that he will shape 沢田纲吉's ability and he also made use of 死气弹,for educating 沢田纲吉 to be a man of leadership.
If you're hit by 死气弹,you will die.But if you feel regretful and want to do something to make up,you'll gain a new life and without control,you must spare no efforts to finish this task.After finishing all of this,you'll acquire a great power,which may tear all of your clothes,only to leave a underwear for you.
Through thousands of fights with enemies,沢田纲吉 became more and more mature.He obtained the power by which he can contain himself.沢田纲吉,along with his protecters,go fighting with the ring.The ring,which is the symbol of a true succesor of 彭格列,is made up of seven features including space,mist,rain,sun,thunder,cloud and fog.All of them contain the unimaginable power.

Family Teachers HitmanReborn" around Pengo column (Italian mafia) 10th-generation leader of Kanazawa Tian Gang Ji and other family members growth will start to a series of stories. Pengo out on behalf of the descendants of the early Kanazawa Tian Gang Ji is a line of people to do nothing, but to develop into a family of Pengo column head, came from Italy, where a killer named baun. In this way, a story full of blood had begun!

Not good at sports and learning to do things without perseverance, nothing juvenile Kanazawa Tiangang Kyrgyzstan, appeared in front of him claiming to be a baby killer (Rainbow's son) and wrap-yan, and became his tutor. Reborn claim to nurture the Italian Mafia A Gang Peng Gregory family, leaders, and the use of dead air bombs and began to educate and train to become fit to be leaders Agang people.

Was shot dead air bombs, he will die, but he wanted to do things before his death there is regret, then he will be reborn, can not control themselves, desperate to finish it. This is his will be a very powerful force, leading to rupture of clothes, and the remaining pair of underwear.

After countless battles and enemies, the key link to be great potential for growth, he received a powerful force, which he can control its own strength of. Gang and his guardian of the door to use ring to fight. Greg Gregory ring for Peng successor proof ring is divided into big air, Lan, rain, sunny, thunder, clouds, fog, seven kinds of properties inscribed on the ring leaders and the guardian of the mission and its unique characteristics, each ring have incredible power.


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