
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

The design process design manual based on the load calculation, and then through the program compare the load on the basis of the increase in the use of a fan-coil air-conditioning system in a new form of wind, fresh air to deal with, such as the state of the indoor enthalpy line, do not bear the cold room load, and the indoor fan coil commitment of personnel, equipment and building cooling load to maintain the structure of the load. Dark horizontal mounted fan coil units for through the converter will be scattered into the indoor air. Chilled water for cooling the engine room from the supply of seven crew chose the two piston chillers. The use of foam rubber insulation pipes, using centrifugal glass wool duct. Design Engineering muffler considered, damping measures.
Four pipes designed floor plan, floor plan four air duct, a water system map, a computer room floor plan, a chart room, as well as a brochure. Moreover, during the design process, the use of the full four-year study of the University's expertise to further the consolidation of the knowledge system, is about to go on with my job role can not be ignored.

Key words: air-conditioning system chiller fan coil piston


Everthing here is new for me at the moment of my arriving, a new city, new school, new friends and a complete new life, all of these really makes me excited. During the first week starting life here, I quickly fit in, I had class with new classmates, went out and ate together with them, in short, it passed very soon, and really pleasant.

Professor Lin hello

今天去参观您的实验室 ,看到您研究的染敏化太阳能电池我非常的感兴趣 。
Today go to visit your lab, see you study dyed sensitization solar battery I am very interested.

Today professor when talks with professor told me, graduation thesis would use English to write.

老实说 我英文不是非常的好,但听到教授这样说我非常的高兴。
To be honest I English is not very good, but hear professor said so I am very happy.

The elder brother is also always remind me of the Chinese graduation the importance of English, and English may find work to have the help very much.

Looking for a professor, I did you want to find in English for paper professor improving the English.

In asked the tatung university friends decided to find professor Lin.

Hope to have the chance to become a professor of graduate students

Professor Li,
I went to visit your lab today, and saw your are studying dye-sensitiazed solar cell, which interested me a lot. During the conversation you told me that i should write my thesis in English. To be honest, my English is poor, but I am glad to hear what you said. My brother majors in chemical engineering too. He also told me the importance of English, which could help us find a better job. As for choosing a professor, I have always wanted to find a professor who requires English thesis to improve my English. After asking my friends in Datong University, i decided to choose you. I really hope that I can get the chance to learn from you as one of your students.

Professor Lin hello

Today go to visit your lab, see you study dyed sensitization solar battery I am very interested. Today professor when talks with professor told me, graduation thesis would use English to write. To be honest I English is not very good, but hear professor said so I am very happy. The elder brother is also always remind me of the Chinese graduation the importance of English, and English may find work to have the help very much. Looking for a professor, I did you want to find in English for paper professor improving the English. In asked the tatung university friends decided to find professor Lin. Hope to have the chance to become a professor of graduate students

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