
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-23

全国计算机等级1级The whole nation computer grade 1 stage
国家电子商务师The state division of electronic business affairs
The whole nation computer office software

Questions added: sports philosophy
The school sports
Health pedagogy is reviewed
Sports is reviewed
Literature review and reading \ academic report
Teaching practice and scientific research training
Option to sports practice
Major research direction
Physical anthropology is reviewed
Sports sociology research progress
Economics research progress of sports industry
Sports dissemination learn research progress

Yuetan Park

Correspondence College of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Coloured Glaze Factory

Moon altar park
Painting and calligraphy correspondence university of China
coloured glaze factory

  • 再帮忙翻译几个专有名词?
    答:Establishment Clause宗教机构条款 Bible belt圣经封面 nativity scene基督出生地
  • 英语专有名词翻译!!高手进!
    答:1.The Greatest Emperor Ancestor of Han Dynasty 2. 要说意思不一样的部分就是: man一般指男性,person没有性别。感情色彩是一样的。3.羊皮卷: The Scroll Marked.(英文畅销书的名称,原著是这个名字,“羊皮卷”是意译过来的,不能直译回去。这里可以下载到:http://www.mydown.com/tests/245/...
  • 英语翻译下几个专业名词
    答:个人管理 individual management 公司性质 Business Nature 经营模式 Business Model 主要市场 leading market 开户银行 our bank 公司成立时间 Establishing time 员工人数 Employees 法人代表 corporate representative 年销售额 annual sales 年出口额 annual volume of export 账号 account number 绝对正确 放心...
  • 大家帮我翻译几个有专有名词好么,谢谢了
    答:the State-held shares 法人股corporate shares Employee shares impotant cooperation Traded Note Pure bond funds
  • 请用英语正确翻译以下专有名词和短语
    答:1,Sustainable development strategy 2,Rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 3,birth control 4,Economic development 5,Protect environment consciousness 6,Environment problem 7,Human being and the nature harmony coexists 8,Russian October Revolution 9,developed countries 10....
  • 考研英语翻译易出现的专有名词有哪些
    答:再如:Hong Kong, China, Bill Clinton 普通名词表示一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名称,如: worker, camera, steel等。英语中根据专有名词前是否带冠词可分为两类,一类是零冠词,如Yale University,Beijing Railway station,是由专有名词+普通名词组成,往往为并列关系。另一类属于带冠词,如The ...
  • [悬赏]翻译几个专有名词~急
    答:1. the policy of the central bank's increasing interest;2. the housing loans for the second house;3. Mortgage-backed securitization(MBS)第二个翻译有点难,以前在中国日报见过这样的提法,很遗憾没给你找到出处。链接仅供参考。参考资料:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007-08/23...
  • 几个专有名词的翻译
    答:1.哲学博士学位 2.克鲁泽(地方名)3.圣雄甘地
  • 帮忙翻译几个专业术语
    答:16在一定的历史发展阶段,国民经济各产业部门为了维持其生产活动和人类生活所需对土地需要的总量。land requirement 17由于不同学者对其认识角度的差异及其功能的侧重点不一样,土地可持续利用的概念也不相同,迄今为止没有一个统一的定义。又不同发展水平的国家面临的土地问题不同,发达国家侧重生活质量的提高...
  • 我想知道化工车间一些专有名词的英语翻译
    答:Spare parts, the over-wrap, the dry, makes a pill, press a slice of, molding tool, glue to match to prepare a , ex- room, measure, smash, at first assist to anticipate temporary save, eliminate a pack of, tool to deposit, medium turn, always mix, Jie, win to control ...