
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

The business of quantum computers Uncertainty principals(不确定性原理)

        Big stable Quantum Computer would be an useful device with large commercial interest[1]. Due to the counter-intuitive properties of quantum mechanics, quantum computers have absolute obvious advantages to some calculations over non-quantum machine[2]. One is specific tasks, like precise simulating, which could even deal with intractable work. Therefore, quantum computers  would help improve the development  of drugs, catalysts(催化剂) and batteries[3]. Besides, they can speed up the analysis of optimisation problems[4], which could benefit transport industry and finance[5]. A management consultancy has predicted that once big stable quantum computers come to birth by 2050, it would bring large operating income for companies[6]. The existing quantum computers like NISQS-Noisy, literally small ornery unstable, would be the stepping stone for the goal of big stable ones. [7]Companies now is hunting for 'quantum advantage' which is the key to profits.[8]

be characterized by... / feature sth  以……为特征

counter-intuitive properties of quantum mechanics  量子力学的反直觉特性

by exploiting sth 借助于……

quantum mechanics   量子力学

conceivable   adj. 可想象的;可信的that you can imagine or believe

have an/the advantage over     比(某人)强;胜过;优于

Precisely simulating     精确模拟

all but    na.几乎跟…一样

intractable   adj.    很难对付(或处理)的very difficult to deal with

boon   n. 非常有用的东西;益处  ~ (to/for sb)  something that is very helpful and makes life easier for you

ornery   adj.   脾气暴躁的;难对付的;别扭的bad-tempered and difficult to deal with

dub  v.    1.~ sb + noun  把…戏称为;给…起绰号to give sb/sth a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way

            2.~ sth (into sth)  为(影片或电视节目)配音;译制to replace the original speech in a film/movie or television programme with words in another language

        3.~ sth  混声录制,混录(音乐)to make a piece of music by mixing sounds from different recordings

have an impact on

[1]Quantum computing is attracting commercial interest. Big, stable quantum computers would be useful devices .大型、稳定的量子计算机将 拥有可观的用武之地

For one thing, they would probably be much more rapid than any classical computer at searching a database - an elemental operation with a thousand uses(有着丰富用途的一种基本操作) . They would be quicker at more specific tasks(细节任务) , too.

[3]A quantum computer could do this,  aiding the development of drugs, catalysts(催化剂) and batteries .

[4]Quantum computers would also speed up the analysis of optimisation problems, which try to find the best way to juggle many variables in order to maximise a particular outcome.量子计算机还能加速优化问题的分析环节,优化问题指的就是试图找出最佳方法调控多个变量,以最大化特定结果这类问题。

 [5]That would be a boon to the transport industry(by finding efficient routes)and to finance(by maximising profits given a set of constraints).

[6]Boston Consulting Group (BCG),a management consultancy, foresees quantum computers improving the operating income(运营收入) of their users by between $450bn and $850bn a year by 2050.Unfortunately,big,stable quantum computers do not yet exist.

[7]But small, ornery, unstable ones do.John Preskill, a quantum-computing researcher at the California Institute of Technology, dubs such machines NISQS-Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum computers. Some see NISQS as mere stepping stones towards size and stability, and that is certainly the goal of those working on them.

[8]A growing number of companies and investors, however, are hopeful that NISQS themselves will be able to do useful work in the meantime. These firms are hunting for " quantum advantage "- a way in which even today's limited machines might have an impact on their bottom lines, or those of their customers.

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