
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

公共卫生间 public lavatory
2 观光电梯 sightseeing lift
3 九莲潭 nine lotus pond
4 天壶瀑布 heaven pot water fall
5 天梯 heaven staircase
6 小西天 little west heaven
7 西莲寺 west lotus temple
8 中莲后静宫 mid lotus peaceful palace
9 东莲 east lotus
10 仙脂峡 fairy water gorge
11 莲花洞 lotus cave
12 群瀑沟 multi-waterfalls channel
13 善家伙 shan jia huo
14 天孕潭 heavenly made pond
15 帐篷旅馆 tent motel
16 里旮旯 inner corners
17 出口 exit
18 九莲老母殿 nine lotus old mom palace
19 三将棺 three general coffin
1、 严禁翻越栏杆 climbing over handrails is strictly prohibited

2、 请勿在桥上逗留 don't stay on the bridge

3、 山崖陡峭,水流湍急,请别在这里摄影 craggedness cliffs and swiftly running water! Don't take photo here.
4、 落石区,请迅速通过! rocks falling zone! Please pass rapidly!
5、 雨雪天气,小心路滑 Cautious about slippery during rainy and snowy days.

In this great change, we may be anxious, confused, can not immediately adapt to the new environment. Perhaps we could not cruel competition between enterprises, can not put up with indifferent eyes colleagues and speech. Very often feel that they are subject to the leadership of reuse, by doing nothing to do with just a few of the important chores, or propose their own work can not be sure of the head. Draw results, there will be pressure from all sides, the head of the wink of my colleagues ridiculed. In schools, students have the teachers for their care and support, but on a day in class, very easy. As the saying goes: in 2012 than ten years of study. Although the two-month training period is not long, but I learned a lot of knowledge on the life, work, learning


1 抵用券 Cash coupon
2 吸管 Drinking Straws
3 调料 Condiments
4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字) Coke in cans
5 续杯 Drinks refill
6 点心勺,中柄勺,长柄勺,汤勺,刀,叉
Dessert spoon, medium-handled spoon (coffee or tea spoon), long-handled spoon (cold drinks or milkshake spoon), soup spoon, knife and folk.
1 请问先生需要发票吗?
Do you need official receipt, sir?
2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。
There is no limit on Coke refills; we (或者用Our service personnel)will automatically refill your cup,free of charge, after you have finished your drinks , all you pay for is the cost of one cup.

1 voucher
2 straws
3 spices
4 canned cola
5 fill the cup
6 dessert spoons, spoons with handles, dippers, tablespoons, knife/knives, forks

1 Do you need an invoice, sir?
2 The cola cup can be filled in succession. If your cup is empty, we'll will fill it instantly. It's free as long as you spend your money on a cup of cola.

1 Vouchers
2 straw
3 Spices
4 coke can
5 Refill the glass
6 勺都译为ladle (dim sun ladle soup ladle )table knife fork

1 Will you need invoice,SIR?
2 As long as take one yuan.Coke Cup could be continued indefinitely if you finish and our waiters will help you refill the glass forwardly.


1. coupon
2. straw
3. sauce, in most case
4. Coco, (tin of bottle?)
5. refill
6. 从上面选一个就好

1. Receipt? 口语中升调表疑问就行了
2. Coco can refill no limited. You just pay for the first cup, all the rest are free. Our waiter/waitess will help you refill your cup.

1 voucher 2 straw sauce 4 cans cola 3 (the main highlights "canned" word) added 5 Cup 6 dessert spoon, spoon in the handle, dipper, tablespoon, knife, fork

1Mr. Will one required an invoice? 2 Coca Cola Cup is continued indefinitely, and if you finish, and our service staff will give you full up automatically. This is not money, as long as your money in a cup of flower.

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