
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-24

亭 pavilion 例子A pavilion is halfway up the hill.山的半中腰有一座亭子。

台 gazebo或terraces 例子a gazebo sited to command a fine view.一个能观看美景的露台。

楼 storeyed building/building 例子teaching building;教学楼; skyscraper摩天大楼;office building办公楼
阁 Tower 例子 Yellow Crane Tower, 黄鹤楼

堂 Hall 例子 人民大会堂(The Great Hall of the People)
轩 windowed veranda

舫 Boat
Remnants of the Marble Boat. After excavation and clearing.the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form.

榭 waterside pavilions 通常叫做水榭。

亭 pavilion
例:A pavilion is halfway up the hill.

台 gazebo或terraces
例:a gazebo sited to command a fine view.

楼 storeyed building
例;The car swung sharply and there in front of them was a large, brightly-lit, three-storeyed building. The car lurched to a stop amid radio music which floated through an open window.

阁 Tower
例:Today the three libraries of Wenlan Tower, Wenjin Tower and Wensu Tower are still well preserved.

堂 hall
例:The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall.

轩 windowed veranda

舫 Boat
Remnants of the Marble Boat.After excavation and clearing.the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form.

榭 waterside pavilions
例:What is characteristic of the Chinese garden is that delicate and exquisite pavilions, terraces, Buildings, waterside pavilions, hills, bridges, waters and trees are all arranged in a mini scenic spot.

1、亭:pavilion ,例子:A pavilion is halfway up the hill.山的半中腰有一座亭子。

2、台:gazebo或terraces ,例子:a gazebo sited to command a fine view.一个能观看美景的露台。 

3、楼:storeyed building/building ,例子:teaching building;教学楼; skyscraper摩天大楼;office building办公楼

4、阁:Tower ,例子: Yellow Crane Tower, 黄鹤楼

5、堂:Hall,例子:The Great Hall of the People,人民大会堂

6、轩:windowed veranda  

7、舫:BoatRemnants of the Marble Boat. 例子:After excavation and clearing.别有洞天;the boat-shaped base has been restored to its original form.“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。

8、榭:waterside pavilions 通常叫做水榭。

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