
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

A little boy was walking with a little kangaroo,the wallaroo was following quietly behind.the wallaroo suddenly jumped out and put the little kangaroo into her front infant pocket.at that moment,the little boy saw the scaring scene,and started to run,and the little kangaroo came out of his infant pocket,the funning thins is ,tha wallaroo put the little boy into her infant pocket instead of her little kangaroo.

Lijiang River water ecosystem have problem and their protection restores an essential According to relevance organization organization and the individual investigation and study over the years to Lijiang River river basin, general situation having introduced the Lijiang River river basin's, compose for a mountain area hills rain source sex river, before the dry season of rain is clear, under rain space-time maldistribution condition, because of source area source of water forest land certain degree destroy, that existence is short of effective management planning water conservancy facilities excessively waiting for cause makes Lijiang River river basin water ecosystem state show a lot of problem on the main stream and the branch, Have the flood and waterlogging disaster mainly and do the early incomplete water problem, the water environment is in "the sub situation " problem , water area area falls off with wet land degeneration problem. The problem that the river basin shows is in progress to Lijiang River from suggesting that the person protects the recovery target naturally with economy angle after summing up induction , the proper motion making great efforts to restore the person regulates and controls and an ability , make the person can external boundary impingement carries out make up for and slows down, taking as an example the stability maintaining an ecosystem's, take foreseeable technology , level of economic and social development as basis at the same time , take sustainable development as principle , ensure the certain river basin , the area inner, water resource , flood and water environment are able to continue propping up economic and social development scale, Hold together the fine ecosystem and develop state in regular health, reach person water harmoniously. The river basin protects the essential recovering specifically for extant problem of Lijiang River , the base recovering in obedience to river bring forward Lijiang River, from system managing , the headstream , rural area , city , economic system and investigation and study aspect protection restoring the Lijiang River river basin water ecosystem.



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