一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Blame the rain under the so anxious
Do not blame the local shelter
Only a crashed into your arms
You deep into the eyes of
Blame too blurred dream
Blame you figure too clear
Always hear ticking ear drops of rain
You can not forget the gentle expression
Since the day I met you
My heart is no longer my own
Regardless of all the world to see you
Miss hand in hand
What is the reason for this Cai Butou
How do you like to think of days and secretly hon
Is this love them
Has been quietly into the heart

Phillips and the Chinese enterprise's DVD patent fee disturbance not yet subsides, in the Intel hand intellectual property rights big stick has wielded once more. Yesterday, the Shenzhen east-bound communication technology limited liability company issued the statement to state that, the Intel headquarters have considered to this month 20th this company the Shenzhen intermediate people's court, the pronunciation card product which the indictment east-bound company researched and developed have encroached in Intel SR5.1.1 software "a Inter document" this intellectual property rights, and sued for damages 7.96 million US dollars (approximately 65.83 million Yuan). This lawsuit also will become Intel the amount biggest lawsuit which will initiate to the domestic enterprise. It is reported, although the east-bound company is the domestic pronunciation card market top-quality merchant, but nearly 8 million US dollars sue for damages or are equal to this company's complete property. Industry in senior official Fang Xingdong believed that, this lawsuit mays be called "in 2005 the Chinese and foreign intellectual property rights first war", but Intel's goal is lets the east-bound company lose everything.

I went to a buffet today, and it was crowded with people having gatherings, hence the atmosphere was heated. From their conversations and the smiles on their faces, I knew that they were having a good time.

The aroma of food was everywhere in the place. Althought it was winter, customers there are thinly dress, perhaps they were heated with their excitment. Some of them were wearing black, some white, and most were in colourful clothes.

There, I felt relaxed, without restraints. I realised that even there are unhappy times in life, one must learn to let go and communicate with others.

People were wearing colourful clothes. They are engrossed in their studies even its cold in winter. There, I learnt that sometimes one have to slow down, calm himself and seriously think over some things.

Let one cool down and not be frustrated. After which, go to the library and study, and improve oneself. Reading can help one with problem solving and also allows one to have deeper insights into problems.

楼主到底是在哪啊? 一下在自助餐馆,一下在图书馆。。。 不是我翻的不好,使你写的乱七八糟。。。


I went for a buffet for dinner yesterday, the restaurant were really crowed with Cheerful atmosphere. It's gladful to have a fancy dinner with friends or family, isn't it? Food smells really good. I noticed people around here were wearing various colors clothes, joy of dining seemed to drive coldness of winter out of them. Suddenly, I got a feeling of release, or we could say, freedom. Life is always stuffed with troubles, so it's lucky i could have this kind of feeling, i don't just trap negatives inside me, learning to admit, learning to express. I also went to a library today, lots of students are studying there. I enjoy that quiet condition, the only sound existed is turnning pages. Sometimes, I am easily getting unpset and blundering, and this quiet atmosphere just ease those feelings out of my mind. Library is just like my joyland, ill come here more often to study, to nourish myself with reading, to develop deeping thinking skills, to work problems out.

1帮我翻一个英文视频,冰岛火山爆发的,翻成汉语!周二就用了!!万分感谢啊 (楼主再仔细斟酌下,翻译的偶点粗糙) 追问 可以把英文原文记下来吗?太谢谢梁瑞捷Z

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