
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-16


The Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, is the first year of the year and also the traditional "New Year's Day". 


Spring Festival has a long history, which evolved from the first year of prayer in ancient times.


During the Spring Festival, various activities are held throughout the country to celebrate the Spring Festival, with a lively and festive atmosphere.


In the early morning of the Eleventh day, we have to go to relatives and friends to say hello. 


This custom has become the most solemn traditional festival among Chinese people.


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  • 中国春节的风俗有哪些英文?
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  • 春节的英文介绍是什么啊?
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  • 春节的风俗有哪些英文?
    答:春节的风俗英文对照中文如下:1、腊月二十四:扫舍去尘 Families undertake thorough house cleaning on the 24th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, sweeping out the old in preparation for the coming year.农历腊月二十四日,各家各户会进行大扫除扫舍去尘,预示着除旧迎新。2、腊月...
  • 春节英文介绍是什么?
    答:百节年为首,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。Influenced by Chinese culture, some countries and regions in the world also have the custom of celebrating the new year.受到中华文化的影响,世界上一些国家和地区也有庆贺新春的习俗。According to incomplete statistics, nearly 20 countries and ...
  • 春节的风俗有哪些英文?
  • 春节用英语介绍是怎么样的?
    答:受到中华文化的影响,世界上一些国家和地区也有庆贺新春的习俗。The Spring Festival is a folk festival integrating worship, blessing and Exorcism, family and friends reunion, celebration, entertainment and diet.春节是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、亲朋团圆、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。