
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01
帮我翻译一下这段话 中翻英,不难的


麦克奈特等人。 [22]曾试图使用模型定义信任。他们的模型假定信任意图将受处分的影响,机构为基础的信任,信任和信任信念。信任倾向是依赖别人的意愿或倾向,它在人类的信仰(相信别人是可靠的和良好的意义和信任)和信任的态度(信念,更好的结果组成,当一个人假定他或她正在处理一个人谁是意义和可靠)。建立信任与个人有不同的倾向信任的相互作用,可能需要不同的策略。机构为基础的信任是相信存在结构性条件,以增加一个成功的活动的可能性。因此,机构的信任取决于结构保证和正常态势。结构保证是信仰结构,确保法规,保证,承诺,以及法律补救措施,并正常态势是信仰的环境中,正确的顺序,并成功将作为结果发生。消费者在网络上,以确保相互安全机构为基础的信任也很重要。信任信念是一个人的受托人的信任(即买方或卖方)。信任信念上的竞争力中心(做所需要的能力),仁(动机和照顾,做到需要什么),完整性(诚实)。信任的意图,是一个人的意愿,取决于受托人从事信托相关行为。一个人的意愿取决于买方/卖方的概率取决于买方/卖方构成信任的意图。

Body of this stationery discusses that leads pros and cons audited and application in our country in risk. Set about from auditing the gradual progress course of the mode first, sketch three kinds of audit modes separately. Then expounded the fact that leads the advantage audited to the past audit mode in risk, and then discuss our country leads the view audited on the risk, and the risk is led and audited in the existing problem and corresponding countermeasure in our country.

This paper discussed the pros and cons of risk-oriented audit and application in China. First model the evolution of the audit process proceed, the audit were outlined three models. Then on a risk-oriented audit of the audit for the past patterns of superiority, to discuss our audit of risk-oriented view, audit and risk-oriented in China's existing problems and corresponding countermeasures.

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