
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04


According to the environment of disease genes pattern, we from environmental and genetic two aspects to discuss this problem: first of all, from the environmental view, China's han Chinese living environment of may and the Caucasus person is different. The air pollution of suspended particles, will affect to many diseases, there are reports that China's pollution is serious neighboring countries, and heavy pollution will add to the body of the students oxidatie stress reaction, at present the influence of air pollution on AR remains uncertain, also recently about air pollution to the influence of AR, reported the automobile exhaust tips from the burning of coal produced with NO2 SO2 and CHR negative AR the onset of a significant association. Reports of the front of the positive people smoking mainly for the developed countries of the Caucasian, in some of China's industrial cities, air pollution obviously than developed countries more serious, if air pollution effects on the body and smoking something in common, it might be is the role of the individual environment cover up the role of smoking; Another possible reason is that although han Chinese female smokers less, but a high proportion of male smokers, in a living space is not large families, although women don't smoke, but men may be smoking, so our women may exist passive smoking.


treaking ball of fire Friday night above the East Coast did not, alas, signal the end to civilization as we know it.
Though you might get that sense from social media.
The sky lit up along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard with reports of "a thin streak of blue-greenish-white" from people like Chip Guy, who was driving in eastern Maryland when he and his family he spotted it.
"It didn't last more than eight or nine seconds, then it disappeared," said Guy, a spokesman for Sussex County, Delaware.
"Frankly, I didn't think too much of it."
But his tune changed once he posted something about the presumed meteor on a local social media web page, which triggered a quick and hearty response.
Welcome to the year of the comet
That was just the tip of the online iceberg.
Through Friday night, new reports of meteor sightings appeared every few seconds on Twitter, some of them from the metropoli

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    答:about the difficulty in front of us.As we know we should be grateful, we know we should respect and understand others. When we are thankful to those who are generous with their help, we may create a world of harmony, imperceptibly! As a saying goes, ...希望对你有帮助。
  • 请各位大神帮我把以下这段英文翻译成中文,谢谢。