
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

1. He bought a few pieces of new furniture to replace those old-style ones.
2. It is convenient for us to live near the place where we work.
3. I can not stand those unnatural buidlings any longer which go against my aesthetics.
4. Every great culture in the history had their aesthetics expressed in arts and architectures.
5. Some architects intended to change the society with their buildings.
6. That buidling impressed us greatly because it is decorated with a glass wall which acts as a mirror.
7. Despite the fact that Gordy use traditional building materials, he is a modern architect.
8. Nett, who designed New York Art Museum, found himself inspired by the sea shells in Japan.
9. Seen from the top, the stadium looked as if covered by gray steel nets.
10. Which books belong to you?
11. A Fishnet is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.
12. I am fine with the price, how would you like the money paid?
13. Many buildings stand empty before they were pulled down several years later.
14. You can rent workshops of different sizes.
15. Those art works that were not open to the public end up being collected by the museums, companies and wealthy people.
16. Many big cities have made such a kind of experiment, with the old factories made into an art center.
17. At the first glance, these paitings do not look nice.
18. The answers to these problems have something to do with the role art plays in the modern society.

If so, you have come to the right place.

1.<中国日报>是可靠的消息来源 (source)
China Daily is a reliable source of information.
2.他面临很多困难 (face)
He is facing many difficulties
3.石油价格正在上涨(go up)
The price of crude oil is going up.
4.昨晚城里一栋住宿楼烧毁了,所幸没有人受伤(burn down.injure)
Last night, an apartment building in the city was turned down, fortunately, no one was injured,
5.奥巴马也许会当选为美国首位黑人总统( elect)
Obama may be elected as the first African-American president of the United State.
6.报纸和其他媒体不仅是简单地记录所发生的事件 (more than)
Newspapers and other medias do things more than just record what has happened.
A well informed person told me the latest news.
8.记者要确保读者能读懂他们的专题特写 (relate to)
Journalists must make sure readers can understand their featuring reports relate to special topics.
9.他们都有表演天赋,就让他们交换一次角色吧 (talent switch roles for once)
Thay all have talent to perform,so let them switch roles for once.
10.编辑的工作是尽力保持报纸平衡有趣 (keep)
The job of an editor is to keep the newspapers balanced and interesting.
11.文章应客观公正地反映事件和意见(reflect truthfully)
Tha article should reflect issues and advices truthfully and impartially.
12.记者也要将材料用条理清晰的方式呈现给读者.(present organise)
Journalists also need to present well orgnised materials to the readers.


1. "China's Daily" is a reliable source of information.
2. He faces many difficulties.
3. the price of oil is going up!
4. A apartment in the city was burned down last night,
but on one was injured luckily.
5. Obama(...) may be elected as the first black American prisent.
6. Newspapers and other mediums does more than noteing what happened
7. A informed person told me the newest information.

3.石油价格正在上涨(go up)
The price of oil keeps going up.
9.他们都有表演天赋,就让他们交换一次角色吧 (talent switch roles for once)
They all have gifts for performance,let them talent switch roles for once.

1.China Daily is dependable source
2.He is faced with many problems
3.The price of oil is rising
4.A dormitory in city was burnt down,fortunately,no one was injured
5.Obama may be elected as the first black president of USA

打字打的好吃亏 分给我吧 我用笔写了拍照 然后用QQ发给你

1 China Dialy is reliable source of news
2 He is facing a lot of difficulties
3 The price of petroleum is going
4 Last night a dormitory in the city burned down.It is lucky that there's no one injured
5 Obama may be elected the first black American president
6 Newspaper and other medium are more than simply recording what has happened
7 An informed man told me the latest news
8 Journalists must make sure that readers can relate to their special topics
9 They both have the talent for performing.Let them switch roles for once!
10 The job of editor is to try to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting
11 Articles should reflect truthfully on the incidences and opinions
12 Journalists also have to present their materials to readers in a organised way

1.China Daily is a reliable source of information.
2.He is facing many difficulties.
3.The price of the oil is going up.
4.Yesterday one of the downtown lodging burt down,luckily,nobody was injured.
5.Obama may be the first black to be elected as American president.
6.Newspapers and other media is more than a simple record of what happened.
7.I was informed the most recent news by a well-informed person.
8.Reporters ensure readers to relate to their feature topics.
9.They are all talented with performance,so allow them to switch roles for once.
10.The job of editors is to keep newspapers balanced and interested.
11.Texts should reflect the incidents and opinions truthfully.
12.Reporters also need to present readers the organised materials.

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