
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

这所大学通常报吿已授予的政府拨款, 而不是支出情况, 大多数的拨款会持续数年---大的款项通常能达到5年,平均数在下降, 但是到目前为止,拨款额在上升, 这给了这所大学一个更好的借口以要求政府拨款, 根据国家科学基金会公布的2010年官方数据, 该数据有所下降。


Because my mother is a doctor, I have seen the pain of many old people, that they can not move conveniently and no one is taking care of them, which is what I would not want to bear. Besides, I think that the mind of an old person is experienced and wise, coming from the valuable experiences of life, therefore I choose to...

Because my mother is a doctor, so I have always seen too many old people around the body inconveniences of action no one to take care of the pain, I do not want to bear this pain, but I think that's an old idea is very mature and full of wisdom, which Is a valuable life experience, so I chose ....

  • 简单的英语翻译,不过我不会..请各位达人进来
    答:Would you like something to drink?2.你要的三明治,是要大的还是小的?Would you like small sandwich or a big one?3.你不应该用筷子指人。You shouldn't___ ___ ___anyone with your chopsticks.4.我宁愿呆在家里看电视。I would rather stay at home and watch TV.5.好像要下雨了。...
  • 英语达人请进,帮忙翻译一小段,很简单的一小段
    答:Elsa 挪远了,然后坐在一棵斜倚的棕榈树旁边, 倾斜的上身倚靠着坚硬的树干。大约二个月前面, 拷打的痛苦在她的骨头里再次回到了和被承认了医院。她是移植, 被视为成功, 是失败afterall 的消息灵通可怕的新闻。他们认为的癌细胞实际上消散了不完全溶化了。更坏是事实上他们是immuned 疗程和对可能的化...
  • 英语翻译~~英语达人进来帮忙啊!!!急急急!高分!
    答:1,为了表达我的歉意,我愿意接受您的惩罚,比如写检讨书啊,罚写作文,抄单词等等~1, in order to express my apology, I would like to accept your punishment, for example write the written self-criticism, fine to write the composition, copy words,etc. ~2,在这期间经历了好多事情,我...
  • 英语达人进来,帮忙翻译一段话
    答:还有下面可能会用到的,也翻译一下.如下:Because there is really too little opportunity in my daily live that would require the use of English, so I'm afraid I can't master English that well now.因为在我的生活里很少会用到英语,所以现在英语掌握的不太熟练 I'm sure you know as w...
  • 英语达人来。一片很简单的小短文。帮忙翻译(求准确)
  • 【急】请英语达人帮忙翻译几个句子。
    答:4,我的英语水平很一般,因为好久都没有使用了,好多都有点淡忘了 My english capability wears thin as no practicing for a ling time, seems a lot has been forgotten 5,我已经适应了这儿的生活,虽然夏天会很热。I've got used to the life here, even though the summer here is hot.6...
  • 英语达人来帮我翻译几段英文短文!谢谢!悬赏30分!回答完后,追加10...
    答:1:We tend to get caught up in everyday business and concerns and forget some of the things that are most important . Too few of us stop and take the time to say "thank you" to 1。我们经常被生活当中的日常琐事所淹没而忘记生活中最重要的东西。我们当中很少有人会停下来花时间对...
  • 请英语达人翻译一段比较简单却容易曲解的话。
    答:这款OS2010由于新颖的设计、功能与价格等原因收到来自贸易展览会和技术类杂志报纸潮水般的赞誉。这给消费者带来的利益伴随着因为质量和消费者付得起的价格而给商家带来的盛誉,导致订单严重积压。厂家简直满足不了消费者对这种产品的需求数量。The customer interest 主语 has lead to 谓语 that this ...
  • 麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译几个简单的句子
    答:are you from?你很漂亮,我可以和你一起拍照吗。 You are very beautiful, can I take a photo with you.谢谢。可以留个手机号码吗? Thank you.You can leave a mobile phone number?我英文只会这么多,希望可以和学习。My English will only so much, and hope to learn....
  • 英语达人进。。翻译一小段简单的 给外国朋友的邮件。。谢谢~
    答:Dear Bob and Magan,How are you? I miss you so much.I didn't mail you for the previous 4 to 5 months, cause I was busy engaged in my IELTS Student Visa. Finally, I got the Visa on Dec. 10th and went to Sydney in Dec. 30th.Since then, my over-study life in ...