
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

It takes time to know who is your true friend.

这个和“日久见人心”差不多啊,It takes time to know a person.

Select the Ritz Carlton because I was attracted by her from the inside to the outside of the elegant temperament, I believe that I can really realize a serving ladies and gentlemen's happiness, I wish the Ritz Carlton is successful in the turning point of my life, I hope I can become a member of the Ritz.

你好,你来自哪个国家? Hello, what country are you from?

你很漂亮,我可以和你一起拍照吗。 You are very beautiful, can I take a photo with you.

谢谢。可以留个手机号码吗? Thank you.You can leave a mobile phone number?

我英文只会这么多,希望可以和学习。My English will only so much, and hope to learn.

Hello,where are you from?
You look incredible(表是极好的意思),can i take photo with you?
Thanks,can i have your number?
My english is little poor.(后面半句是什么意思?希望可以学习?)

1、Hello,where are you from?
2、You are so beautiful,could I take photos with you ?
3、Thank you,and can you tell me your mobile phone number?
4、My English is a little poor,I hope I can learn more about it.

1.Hello, where are you from?
2.You are beautiful. Would you like to take a picture with me?
3.Thank you. Would you like to leave your phone number to me?
4.My English is very poor. Hope that I can learn from you.

hello, Where are you from?
you're so beautiful, can I take a photo with you?
Thank you, but can I have your cell number.
I can speak a little English, but I hope to learn more with you.

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