
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29
请韩语高手帮忙翻译一下 千万不要用翻译器 不胜感激 采纳了我还有加分哦

한국의 경영이 실패한 일부 기업에는 두드러진 폐단이 있는데, 바로 창업자나 최고경영자(CEO)의 독단전행으로, 기업 경영정책의 맹목성을 야기하였다.

BR사의 최고경영자는 기업경영에 대하여 독단적인 온정주의적 관리 경영방식을 취함에 따라, 결과적으로 1988~1991년 사이에 경영상황이 부단히 악화되었고, 1991년 12월 최종적으로 법정관리를 신청하였다.

DS사의 사장은 회사경영과정에서 회사 고위 직원의 건의를 듣지 않고, 맹목적으로 미국 수출상의 의견을 존중하여 군대식의 독재적 관리를 채용한 결과 노동자 파업이라는 심각한 사건이 나타났고, 이로써 회사의 업무에 영향을 끼쳤다.

2. 경영자가 기업사회의 속성을 소홀히 하고, 도덕적 이미지에 의지하여 기업의 응집력을 증강하는데 부주의하였으며, 직원의 기업에 대한 헌신정신을 배양할 수 없었다.

한국은 중국 유교문화의 영향을 깊게 받아, 사회와 개인이 기업과 기업 경영자에 대한 도덕요구수준이 매우 높다.

MD그룹의 실패는 바로 기업주가 기업이 장족의 발전을 획득할 때 회사의 재산 전부를 자기의 명의로 돌렸고, 게다가 이후 일본 여자를 후처로 삼으며, 골프장 여직원과 관계하고, 호화사원 등을 세우는 등의 사건으로 인해 사회의 평판이 급격히 떨어지게 되었다.

3. 기업의 인력자원관리가 가족식 경영관리방식의 제약을 받아 기업이 경쟁우세를 얻을 수가 없었다.

한국의 일부 실패한 기업은 전문경영자를 배척하는 동시에 또 과다하게 친족이 기업경영에 참여하게 하고는 그들의 전횡에 대하여 수수방관함으로써 불리한 인사관리를 초래하였고, 조직운영의 저효율을 초래하였다.

예를 들어, DM목재사는 일찍이 비상장 개인기업으로, 기업의 경영활동이 완전히 창업주 개인의 편견과 고집에 좌우되었고, 이에 따라 회사는 정확한 경영정책이 없었으며, 직원은 아첨하여 떠받드는 소용돌이에서 서로 분열되었고, 최종적으로 기업의 파산을 가져온 반면, KJ사는 전문경영인을 믿지 않고 인척경영을 채용하여, 8명의 평범한 사위가 회사의 경영에 참여하게 한 결과, 자연스럽게 실패한 운명을 초래하였다.

이상 여러 가지에서 볼 때, 직원 존중, 직원 신임, 직원 육성, 직원 격려로 기업경영관리에의 적극적 참여는 성공한 한국 기업의 공통적 특징인 반면, 독단전행, 가족식 관리, 직원에 대한 불신임과 비육성 등은 대다수의 한국 민영기업이 실패한 하나의 주요한 문제점이다.

현재 우리나라 민영기업의 발전과정에서 많은 기업이 내부관리측면에서도 마찬가지로 위에서 설명한 일부 불리한 인력자원관리의 특징을 지니고 있는데, 이러한 층면에서 말하자면, 한국기업의 성공과 실패의 경험은 혹 우리의 민영기업가들에게 하나의 시사점을 가져다줄 수 있을지 모른다.


4. Financial goals - two percent
1, the United States maintain an appropriate level of growth, sales growth, profit growth rates were higher than the previous year level;
2, the rapid expansion of the international market, the number of stores, business area, sales growth, profit growth rates were higher than the previous year level;
3, compression operating costs. Total operating costs remained at below 2 per cent;
4, the first global retail sales, the world's top 500 first.
5. Suggestions - 2%
1, re-definition of customer groups, Wal-Mart to expand the appeal to all customers

2, in value-added services, to achieve "one-stop" services so that customers visited Wal-Mart become a habit
Customers can purchase in a store-all in need of goods, can receive timely information of new product sales, can enjoy door-to-door, free parking, and other additional services, can in any spare time these accesible shopping…… An evaluation of the problem is an important indicator of quality stores. "One-stop" shopping (One-Stop Shopping) in the commodity structure, it changes to the rich and characteristics to meet the various customer preferences. Many business projects, including food, toys, new clothing, cosmetic products, household appliances, Riyongbaihuo, meat fruit and vegetable, and so on.
In addition, for the convenience of customers also set a number of special types of service: free parking, the cakes, free advice computers, cameras, video recorders and related supplies of the situation, document production, copying, engineering drawings zoom, high-speed printing, Barber, child care, and so on.
3, to promote the growth of international businesses, overseas markets adopt flexible policies, as far as possible to achieve localization and operation of shopping centres and improve work efficiency
Wal-Mart is relying on standards to achieve the reunification of the world, this standard even including the procurement negotiations, the venue providers, such as shopping malls display in all aspects, but sometimes standards are not suitable for certain countries, not suitable for a shopping environment, The fatal weakness of the standard is no change, no creativity, the slow process of localization, some even a few decades ago the U.S. standards, the need to greatly expand overseas market, a uniform standard only after the Lawoerma Legs.
Adhere to local procurement, to provide more employment opportunities, support local manufacturing industry, promote local economic development, to comply with local laws and actively participate in local social activities, to accept local values and integrate into the local mainstream society.
4, attention to the quality of staff and training, the introduction of flexible pay and personnel selection policy, Wal-Mart become a more desirable place to work;
Wal-Mart's pay welfare of a drop再降, talents and lead to heavy loss of human resources, high staff turnover rate directly led to the loss of technical experience, not to low-income to high-quality high-level practitioners, resulting in the overall primary Wal-Mart Quality decline, should attach importance to the quality of the staff, especially in the quality of senior staff, strengthening technical training and corporate culture, enterprise system in training, to take reasonable pay system, employees of the enterprises built the family, a staff ideal place to work .
5, training providers
Wal-Mart suppliers are partners, Wal-Mart should be common values training providers, to help suppliers to develop and achieve win-win situation. Including by helping to develop a competitive supplier of goods to help suppliers to expand types of goods, to help suppliers to learn how to package goods and the export of the note, to help suppliers to learn how to make Wal-Mart merchandise display procedures.
6, expanding e-commerce channels
Development of e-commerce building information networks in e-commerce, the goal is to provide on the Internet as a service to download from the financial services online integrated service providers. Therefore, in order to increase their strength in e-commerce, Wal-Mart should invest ISP and portal site established a strategic alliance.

My standard of English is limited, had to resort to this, I thank you!!
中文 » 英语 翻译 更好的翻译建议
感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 4. Financial goals - two percent 1, the United States maintain an appropriate level of growth, sales growth, profit growth rates were higher than the previous year level; 2, the rapid expansion of the international market, the number of stores, business area, sales growth, profit growth rates were higher than the previous year level; 3, compression operating costs. Total operating costs remained at below 2 per cent; 4, the first global retail sales, the world's top 500 first. 5. Suggestions - 2% 1, re-definition of customer groups, Wal-Mart to expand the appeal to all customers 2, in value-added services, to achieve "one-stop" services so that customers visited Wal-Mart become a habit Customers can purchase in a store-all in need of goods, can receive timely information of new product sales, can enjoy door-to-door, free parking, and other additional services, can in any spare time these accesible shopping…… An evaluation of the problem is an important indicator of quality stores. "One-stop" shopping (One-Stop Shopping) in the commodity structure, it changes to the rich and characteristics to meet the various customer preferences. Many business projects, including food, toys, new clothing, cosmetic products, household appliances, Riyongbaihuo, meat fruit and vegetable, and so on. In addition, for the convenience of customers also set a number of special types of service: free parking, the cakes, free advice computers, cameras, video recorders and related supplies of the situation, document production, copying, engineering drawings zoom, high-speed printing, Barber, child care, and so on. 3, to promote the growth of international businesses, overseas markets adopt flexible policies, as far as possible to achieve localization and operation of shopping centres and improve work efficiency Wal-Mart is relying on standards to achieve the reunification of the world, this standard even including the procurement negotiations, the venue providers, such as shopping malls display in all aspects, but sometimes standards are not suitable for certain countries, not suitable for a shopping environment, The fatal weakness of the standard is no change, no creativity, the slow process of localization, some even a few decades ago the U.S. standards, the need to greatly expand overseas market, a uniform standard only after the Lawoerma Legs. Adhere to local procurement, to provide more employment opportunities, support local manufacturing industry, promote local economic development, to comply with local laws and actively participate in local social activities, to accept local values and integrate into the local mainstream society. 4, attention to the quality of staff and training, the introduction of flexible pay and personnel selection policy, Wal-Mart become a more desirable place to work; Wal-Mart's pay welfare of a drop再降, talents and lead to heavy loss of human resources, high staff turnover rate directly led to the loss of technical experience, not to low-income to high-quality high-level practitioners, resulting in the overall primary Wal-Mart Quality decline, should attach importance to the quality of the staff, especially in the quality of senior staff, strengthening technical training and corporate culture, enterprise system in training, to take reasonable pay system, employees of the enterprises built the family, a staff ideal place to work . 5, training providers Wal-Mart suppliers are partners, Wal-Mart should be common values training providers, to help suppliers to develop and achieve win-win situation. Including by helping to develop a competitive supplier of goods to help suppliers to expand types of goods, to help suppliers to learn how to package goods and the export of the note, to help suppliers to learn how to make Wal-Mart merchandise display procedures. 6, expanding e-commerce channels Development of e-commerce building information networks in e-commerce, the goal is to provide on the Internet as a service to download from the financial services online integrated service providers. Therefore, in order to increase their strength in e-commerce, Wal-Mart should invest ISP and portal site established a strategic alliance. My standard of English is limited, had to resort to this, I thank you!!

US dollar as the world leadership currency, has been at the hegemony position in the world economic system, therefore, the US financial crisis is not allow to neglect to the entire world economics' influence. China after joining WTO, China's economy also more and more globalized, the US financial crisis will inevitably also bring certain influence for the Chinese economy's development. receives the US financial crisis's influence, the risk which and the uncertainty the global economic faces rises unceasingly. This catastrophe China also difficult to escape by luck. In the crisis diffusion process, the US adopts the reducing the interest rate, the capital, the fiscal subsidy and so on many kinds of ways to prevent the economic recession unceasingly unceasingly, these policies intensified the global fluid question to a great extent. In addition the Sino-US interest rate hangs upside down, Renminbi revaluation anticipated invariable, is unable to prevent the international hot money to flow in China's step, causes China to become the international capital inflation-proofing and appreciation once more haven, also causes China's US dollar asset investments to expose in the risk. In China's 1,800,000,000,000 US dollar foreign exchange reserve property, probably has about 100,010,000 US dollars to invest at present in the American national debt and the organization debt. The US money market appears the turbulence, definitely will cause the property collateral the price shrinkage, will thus cause the property to cash with difficulty, by now the affordability crisis transformed into the fluid crisis. In this financial crisis, the real estate industry definitely will come under the very tremendous influence. Causes real estate financing to be more difficult. In the domestic real estate market murky situation, comes in the US to throw the line to undersell in the Chinese property. Attacks home-buyer's confidence, the market waits and sees atmosphere. Looking from the present domestic real estate murky phenomenon, our country economy recedes will possibly continue the long time. Also has certain influence in the export aspect, in integrates global system's China gradually, the economic development pattern to, the gross import/export value surpasses GDP especially 60%, lends money in the situation which in the US nationals the expense pattern ends, “China makes” comes under the influence along with it. “as soon as the US this financial crisis becomes by Greenspan hundred years to meet”, obviously crisis's degree is serious. What fortunately is, because our country participates in global the step being more discrete, therefore the great degree has avoided the US financial crisis's direct impact. China should be henceforth inferior in the financial crisis the absorb experience lesson, the deepened reform, strengthens the supervision, enhances deals with the amount crisis's ability, enables China more to walk on the world economic gloablization path is better.

Dollar as the world's dominant currency in the world economy has been in a position of hegemony, the U.S. financial crisis on the world economy as a whole can not be ignored. China's accession to the WTO, China's growing economic globalization, the United States financial crisis will be inevitable for China's economic development will certainly bring.
The United States received financial crisis, global economic risks and uncertainties continue to rise. The Chinese are also hard to escape the disaster. In the course of the crisis is spreading, the United States taken continue to cut interest rates, funding, financial subsidies and so on a variety of ways to prevent economic recession, to a large extent these policies also exacerbated the global liquidity problem. Together with China, the United States upside down interest rates, appreciation of the renminbi is expected to remain unchanged, but could not stop the inflow of international hot money, the pace of China so that China once again become the international capital and increase the value of safe haven, but also China's investment in U.S. assets exposed to risk. China's foreign currency reserve assets of 1,800,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, at present there are about 1 hundreds of millions of dollars invested in U.S. treasury bonds and agency debt. U.S. financial market turbulence will inevitably lead to reduced prices of collateral assets, making it difficult cash assets, to pay at this time of crisis into a liquidity crisis. During the financial crisis, the real estate industry will certainly be greatly affected. So that the real estate financing more difficult. In the domestic property market downturn, it is coming in the United States investment bank in China to sell the property. Crack down on buyers confidence in the market strong wait-and-see atmosphere. From the current real estate slump, China's economic decline is likely to continue longer. On the export side will have an appreciable effect in the gradual integration into the global system of China, the economic development of outward-mode, import and export value of more than 60% of GDP in the United States National borrow money end of the consumption patterns, "Made in China" with the The affected.
The U.S. financial crisis, Greenspan was a "once-in" shows the extent of the crisis is very serious. Fortunately, because of my participation in the global pace is more cautious, so to a greater extent in the United States to avoid the direct impact of the financial crisis. The financial crisis in China should learn, to deepen reform, strengthen supervision and improve the ability to cope with the amount of crisis so that the Chinese in the world of economic globalization on the road to getting better.

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