
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

If you were a kite or you would let me go, I'd better take it home, and don't tie me up with an unseen love.(我自己翻译的应该没语法错误)

Can you tell me if the phone game that is shown on this website is allowed to be used by the company in China? Is it the real game? The website is xxxx

1 I want to go to work in Shanghai, because Shanghai is a prosperous city.

2 I primary school in which class?

3 when I grow up I want to go to work?

求 楼主采纳·谢

1 I want to work at ShangHai when i am grown as ShangHai is a big flourishing city.
2 which class did i study in when i am in elementary school?
3 where do I want to work when I am grown up?

1. I grew up to want to go to Shanghai work, because a prosperous city of Shanghai.

2. My primary school in which class?

3. When I grow up, think of where working?

When I grow up, want to go to Shanghai work, for Shanghai is a prosperous city.

My primary school in which class ?

When I grow up, think of where to go to work?

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