
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03


The story happened in the near future, a post-industrial era, the desolate ruins a above full of devils inside the prison, represent every prisoner had committed a monstrous crime. The prison committed people have a very horrible "entertainment project", which is held once every year the sporting events - terrorist cruel death coasters, you can use all sorts of flamethrowers, guns, grenades armed their own cars, also must to your other criminals escaped the shooting, until crossed the finish line. The warden, through the network video to let the world see the whole game, in the process of blood and violence to makes a heftier profit. Because the prisoner can be used in various high-end weapons armed own cars, so in such a competitive stage, although a spectacular and fascinating, but lives also falling instantaneously.

我现在在美国做汽车零件 工程师,我们平时是这么用的,

1. Assembly SOP (Stardard Operation Procedure)/ Assembly Work Instruction

2. Discription of Operation (表格中就直接用 Discription)
3、Sequence Number of Operation (表格中就直接用 Op #)
4、Cycle Time
5、Tools (Machine)
6、Sub Components (Parts)
7、装配要点说明, 美国一般都规定程序,都是要点所以直接用 Operation Procedure
8、注意事项 Notes/ Caution
9、诊断床 (不知道你说的是不是检验设备?) Inspection Station
10、摄影床 (Picture Station) (是为了记录么)
11、高频机 (包装用的?High freguency plastic welder?)
12、控制台 Main Control/ Console
13、发生器 不知道是具体做什么的,但是 Generator 肯定是 发电机
14、编制 (Established By) (Est. By)
15、审核 (Checked By) (CH'K'D BY)
16、批准 (Approved By)

1 Assembly Operation Guidance
2 Process Name
3 Process Number
4 Process Time
5 Assembly Appliance
6 Assembly Parts
7 Assembly Key Points
8 Points for Attention
9 Diagnosis Bed
10 Photography Bed
11 High Frequency Machine
12 Console
13 Generator
14 Compilation
15 Auditing
16 Approval

1, the assembly work instruction book
2, the working procedure name
3, the working procedure serial number
4, the working procedure man-hour
5, assembles apparatus
6, the assembly spare part
7, the assembly main point explained
8, the matters needing attention
9, diagnose bed
10, the photographic bed
high frequency 11, machine
12, the control bench
13, the generator
14, establish
15, verify
16, the authorization

1, assembly operations guide book

2, the process name

3, No. process

4, the process of working hours

5, the assembly of appliances

6, the assembly of parts and components

7, that the assembly points

8, Notes

9, the diagnosis bed

10, photography bed

11, high-frequency machine

12, the console

13, generator

14, prepared

15, audit

16, approved

Enter here to be 1, 2 assembly operations guide book, the name of processes 3, No. 4, processes, procedures 5 hours, 6 appliances, assembly, the assembly of parts 7, 8 that the assembly points, and note 9, 10-bed diagnosis, the 11-bed photography, 12 high-frequency machine, console 13, 14 generators, the preparation of 15, to be vetting the translation of the text, up to 200 bytes

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