
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-14

1. Hit somebody a hard blow
e.g. She hit him a hard blow.
2. hit the road
e.g. You had better hit the road if you want to be there before it's dark.
e.g. Everything is set now. Let's hit the road.
3. hit the spot
hit the spot
通常是指食物或饮品尤其令人满意。e.g. Pepsi Cola hits the spot, 12 full ounces, that's a lot.
百事可乐真棒,满满12盎司,好多哦。e.g. My mother is very good at cooking. Her dishes always hit the spot.
4. hit bottom
e.g. If the price of shares of a stock hits bottom, that might be the time to buy it. Its value can only go up.
5. hit the books
e.g. The final examination is coming. I have to hit the books.
6. hit the ceiling
勃然大怒e.g. Girls tend to hit the ceiling when their boyfriends keep staring straightly at other birds.
e.g. A wife may hit the ceiling because her husband forgot their wedding anniversary.
7. hit the nail on the head
e.g. His remarks always hit the nail on the head.
e.g. Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.


hit的基本意思是“打击”,但好多朋友分不清和beat的区别,其实简单来说,hit一般侧重“强力一击,击中”,而beat则侧重“连续地击打”。如He hit me with his hand。他用手打了我一下。
  如果在时尚娱乐杂志上可能看到hit,它也是击的意思,不过是“强力出击”哟,也是“很成功”的意思,不过一般用作名词,如,最近的周杰伦《七里香》is a hit. 也可以说make it a hit,^_^,beat在音乐中指节拍,这个跟hit和容易区分的。
  说到成功了,hit it big就是成功了的一个俚语,你想想大大得打中了,不是成功吗?
  从打中上边能引申出好多用法,尤其在体育活动上,例如如果射箭命中红心,那就是The arrow scored a hit.(射箭,射击)如果射门得分She hit the winning goal.(足球)跳投得分hit the jump shot.(篮球)打出一垒安打hit a single.(棒球)还有很多很多,当然也有不一定能打中的,指“猛力一击”动作的。例如:backhand hit反手击球body hit追身球corner hit击角球double hit连击fair hit击出界内球flat hit扫球, 平击free hit任意球hard hit大力击球,在体育用语中,关于hit的还有很多,你可以平时关注一下。
  击中击不中,也就是胡乱地,那就是hit and miss 也可以是hit or miss.
  hit the books 想想头撞书,是不是困了?看书看到这样,说明很刻苦哟,那就是刻苦得学习啦。
  hit the bottle ^_^,你也许笑了,为什么要撞瓶子呢?老大,那是酒瓶子唉,呵呵,肯定是喝醉了。
  hit the hay或hit the sack 哦,是不是真喝醉了?什么地方都撞?^_^,撞干草,撞麻袋?都倒头啦,也就是困啦,当你晚上想go to bed的时候,可是试着跟家人说,我要去撞干草啦,我要去撞麻袋啦,其实也就是要去觉觉啦。
  hit the road 怎么又撞路了?难道是困地连干草,麻袋都不用啦,呵呵,你见过人磕磕绊绊地赶路吗?hit the road就是指赶路,出发,set out ,leave啦
  hit the roof或hit the ceiling 这位老兄好怪哟,倒什么都能撞的到,哈哈,那这个是什么意思呢? 其实这个是勃然大怒地意思,在强烈表示自己不满哟,你说人家什么都撞,人家能不生气吗?想想火冒三丈,能不直冲房顶吗?
  还有两个短语指说得中肯,说到要害,说道实质的,那就是一个用头撞钉子,一个是击中牛眼,hit the nail on the head 和hit the bull’s-eye


  • hit的用法详解
    答:动词用法(1)"hit"表示撞击或碰撞,通常用于描述物体相互之间的碰撞。例如:"The car hit the tree."这句话的意思是"车子撞到了树上"。(2)"hit"也可以表示攻击或击打,通常用于描述人或物体对另一个人或物体进行打击。例如:"The boxer hit his opponent with a powerful punch."这句话的意...
  • hit的用法
    答:2、hit既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词宾语指人时,后可接on〔in〕,表示“击”、“打”身体某部位;后接on〔against〕时,表示身体某部分碰或撞在某物上。3、hit可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”。近义词的用法 find 英 [faɪnd]     美 [faɪnd]v. ...
  • 看美剧学地道英语口语:Hit有哪些用法
    答:1. Hit somebody a hard blow 狠狠地打某人 e.g. She hit him a hard blow.她狠狠地打了他一拳。2. hit the road 出发、离开 e.g. You had better hit the road if you want to be there before it's dark.如果我想天黑前到那儿,你最好现在就出发。e.g. Everything is set now....
  • hit的用法
  • hit的用法
    答:"Hit"、"beat"、"knock"、"strike" 都是动词,表示用力撞击或打击某物或某人,但在用法和含义上有一些区别。"Hit"(动词)通常指用力撞击或打击,可以用于各种情况,包括身体接触、用手或工具打击物体、或者击中目标。例如:He hit the ball with a bat.(他用球棒打击球。)The car hit the tree...
  • hitting是什么意思
    答:1. 打,击,打击:She hit him a hard blow.她狠狠地打了他一拳。to hit someone on (或 over)the head 打某人的头 2. 投中,击中,命中;[俚语](用枪)杀死,干掉:He felt a bullet hit his shank.他感到有粒子弹击中了他的小腿。to hit the eye 命中靶心 3. (用导弹等)射中,打...
  • 英语口语中hit的用法和实例
    答:说到成功了,hit it big就是成功了的一个俚语,你想想大大得打中了,不是成功吗?从打中上边能引申出好多用法,尤其在体育活动上,例如如果射箭命中红心,那就是The arrow scored a hit.(射箭,射击)如果射门得分She hit the winning goal.(足球)跳投得分hit the jump shot.(篮球)打出一垒...
  • hit的用法及搭配
    答:hit的用法及搭配如下:1.必须掌握的名词用法。hit n. 风行一时受人追捧的事物。成功(电影,戏曲,小说)Yogo seemed to be a hit for keeping fit last year.对于塑身来说去年瑜伽好像风行一时。His new published novel seemed to be agreat hit this year.他新出版的小说似乎很畅销。2. 可以...
  • hit的词性和用法?
    答:(hit; hitting)打; 敲; 击 击中; 射中 撞击; 使...撞上, 使...受到打击; 伤...的感情 向...发起攻击; 向...提出; 抨 击 完成(指标); 达到(某速度); 到达 偶然遇见; 发现, 找到 猜对, 说中; 戳穿(真相)要求; 请求; 投合 【体】(板球等)得(分); (棒球)打出 精确地反映;...
  • 英语下t h e的用法,用在哪些地方?
    答:这种用法是先把整个对象说出来,然后再说到那个对象的身体的局部或衣着. 结构:动词(hit, pull, pat, strike, catch, hold, take)+sb.+介词(in, on, by, across)+身体部位或衣着 例:She touched him on the shoulder. 她碰了碰他的肩. He took the girl by the hand. 他拉着小女孩的手. He hit ...