我今年读初三,可是英语特别的差。明年就要中考了 可我的英语差别人那么多 我该怎么办啊

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02


1. It takes us a hour or more to go to my hometown by a train.
2. My friend Simon likes to play the football before the supper.
3. What a bad weather we are having! We’ve never had so rainy days.
4. Mr. Wu often gives us some good informations by e-mail.
5. I can hardly see any sheeps on the top of the mountain.
6. It is said that the police has found some clues that might lead to the arrest of the murderer.
7. There are thirty woman teachers in our school.
8. The student with his friends are helping the old man do the housework.
9. ----A latest English newspaper, please!
----Only one copy left. Would you like to have one, sir?.
10. ----Is anybody here?
----No, Andy and Jack have asked for leave.
11. The two-hours documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger.
12. These people want to have some fishes for supper, so they decide to catch much now.
13. Whom do you think knows the answer to the question?
14. Simon sits between Amy and I.
15. Mrs. Li teaches our English. We like his class very much.
16. Look! Some pieces of paper are on the floor. Let’s pick it up.
17. “Please help yourself to some fruit, children”,Granny said.
18. The weather here is quite different from the one of Chongqing.
19. ----More and more people think that necessary to let the students teach themselves.
----That’s true. They can improve themselves in this way.
20. I think there is wrong something with my CD player. It doesn’t work.
21. When night fell, I was too tired to do something else.
22. Not every child like hamburgers.
23. The Smiths have visited two famous cities. One is in Jiangsu and another is in Zhejiang.
24. Comrade Lei Feng thought more of the others than of himself.
25. She has kept everyone of her son’s letters.
26. This maths problem is so difficult that only few students can work it out.
27. Could you tell me how much your telephone number is?
28. ----How long is it from our school to the bridge?
----About half an hour’s bus ride. Shall we go and visit it?
29. He will stay here for one and a half month.
30. Every year, two millions of fishes are killed by the polluted water and many people are made sick by the polluted air.
31. Nanjing is a city with many places of interest, thousand of tourists come here every year.
32. Two fifth of the land in that place is covered with trees and grass.
33. The travellers set off in the morning of May 3.
34. He lost the key of the door of his classroom.
35. Ann has been late three times on the morning of last Monday.
36. There are a lot of apples in the tree. A boy on the tree is picking them.
37. I study English by TV and listen to the music by the radio.
38. Would you like to help post this letter to me? I have no time now.
39. Amy thinks aliens may do harm for her.
40. It is very important of us to practise speaking English as much as possible.
41. It is silly for you not to forgive others for their faults.
42. By the end of last month we learned two thousand English words.
43. Hangzhou is famous as producing silk in China.
44. The books are made from paper and these computers are made from China.
45. Today Simon is late again like usual.
46. Kitty didn’t come to school yesterday because her illness.
47. Each student will have their own online teacher is called ‘e-teacher’.
48. ----Would you like some coffee?
----Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee to milk.
49. This kind of skirt looks well and sells good.
50. When Audrey Hepburn died, the whole world mourned the lose of a great beauty.
51. If you don’t want to go hiking, I won’t ,too.
52. We are very exciting about holding the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.
53. The sweater is very beautiful, but it’s too much dear.
54. The old man lives by himself, but he never feels alone.
55. There’re many trees and flowers on every side of the street.
56. My home is about 5 kilometres far away from the city.
57. Our teacher is going to fly to New York sometimes next year.
58. The man speaks English as good as an American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years.
59. The more you think about his question, the more interested you will feel it.
60. He bought a new house in Jiangning because it cost much cheaper than one in the centre of Nanjing.
61. -----Have you bought that digital camera?
----No, I can’t afford it. This price is a bit too expensive, I think.
62. We have never seen so a good film before. It’s very interesting.
63. Our classroom must be kept cleaning every day.
64. This pair of shoes is too small for me to wear it
65. He ran very fast, but he couldn’t run enough fast to catch the other runners.
66. It’s nothing serious. You’ve just caught a bit a cold.
67. Guangzhou is larger than any other city in Guangxi.
68. Nanjing is one of the most beautiful city in China. It attracts large numbers of tourists.
69. Bruce is shortest boy but runs fastest in his class.
70. Sandy sings the best in the three girls.
71. My hometown is becoming more beautiful and more beautiful.
72. The Yellow River is the second long river in China.
73. Of the two Australian students, Masha is the tallest one. I think you can find her easily.
74. When Mr. Jiang returned back home from work, his flat would be as clean as new.
75. My grandpa took me some local products from my home town when he came to see me last year.
76. Yesterday a number of people was waiting for a bus when the accident happened.
77. The geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth moved around the sun.
78. I want to know if he comes here if he is free tomorrow.
79. In the past few years, they built a lot of new factories.
80. ----How long has the film begun?
----For about half an hour.
81. Mr. Jiang can speak good English because he has been to England for five years.
82. My bike needs to mend. I think I need to go to Unlce Wang for help.
83. Who do you think to help them finish the work on time last Thursday?
84. ----Why didn’t you go to the movie yesterday?
----Because I have watched it before.
85. He asked her if she will go to Nanjing the next day.
86. What was happened to your friends in the traffic accident?
87. ----Why don’t you have a notebook with you?
----I’ve forgotten it at home.
88. I like this silk dress, and it is felt so soft and comfortable.
89. Old people should be spoken politely.
90. ----Have all the students known that our class will have a meeting
this afternoon?
-----Yes. Every student tells about it by Mr Wang.
91. In 2012, the Olympic Games will hold in London..
92. Today, the forests have almost gone, people must stop from cutting down too many trees.
93. The students are often made do a lot of homework a day.
94. ----What he said at the meeting listened quite all right.
----I can’t quite agree with you.
95. The old man told his son that he had nothing to worry expect him.
96. ----Would you mind if I open the window?
----Yes, please, though it’s a little cold.
97. Paul enjoyed fresh air and to take a walk after supper.
98. It takes about 12 hours traveling from Nanjing to Beijing by train.
99. What about to go to the park if it isn’t rain tomorrow?
100. If you get up late, you won’t able to catch the early bus.
101. You needn’t to come to the meeting this afternoon if you have important something to do.
102. The boys are often told don’t play balls in the street.
103. I pressed the keys but nothing was appeared on the screen.
104. I prefer to walk there rather than going by bus.
105. Camp in the open air is the most interesting of all the outdoor activities.
106. The principal isn’t in at the moment. He has been to an important meeting.
107. The novels written by a famous writer are well worth to be read carefully.
108. There are many birds are singing in the trees over there.
109. “Don’t always make Tim to do this or that. He is already a big boy, dear,” Mr. Green.
110. ----Do you feel like to go to the cinema with me?
----No, I’d like doing my lessons at home.
111. Please pick up it. If you’ve lost it, you must pay it for.
112. ----Do you often Simon to sing in his room?
----Listen ! Now we can hear him sing in his room.
113. Both of my parents hope I to become a doctor when I grow up.
114. He spent as much time as he could play football on Sunday.
115. Which does your father enjoy spending his weekend, fishing or climbing hills?
116. Something wrong is with my bike. I must have it to repair.
117. My grandfather usually wears his glasses before he reads newspapers.
118. He could say neither French nor German. So I talked with him in English.
119. How much did he spend for the mobile phone?
120. I have to buy a robot in order that have more free time.
121. He didn’t know how to do with the used car.
122. The question is if to go or stay.
123. The baby is sleeping. You’d better to turn down the radio.
124. ----Must I finish my homework now?
----No, you mustn’t. You may finish it tomorrow.
125. There used to have few tall buildings around our town.
126. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, don’t they?
127. I don’t think he will come here on time, won’t he?
128. He must be Mr. Green from the south of America, needn’t he?
129. -----There is no air or water on the moon, is there?
-----Yes, there isn’t.
130. How beautiful frogs they are!
131. Though it’s hard work, but I enjoy it.
132. When we reached the train station yesterday, the train has been away for half an hour.
133. When you are having difficulty to make a decision, Please call me.
134. Let’s take a trip to the countryside, don’t we?
135. --- Could you tell me how long does it take to fly to Guilin?
--- About two hours.

重点复习九年级的课本 老师们会帮你复习的 如果你愿意做题的话 那样会很好 我建议你从语法和词汇部分做起 之后的习题都是在这两个方面 出

建议,买个读书郎 之类的学习机。然后下载了黄冈中学的视频教学。跟着老师进行学习。我感觉不错的。过年的时候给我儿子买了一个。用了之后成绩有很大的提高 。学习机的品牌有许多。你可以买一个适合你自己的。


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