
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

No matter what I have done, I only beg you don't leave me!Please!

Sales andPurchase Contract
This contract datedas 9th January 2012 is made by and between
The Seller: International TradingCompany
The Buyer: Special Chemical Fiber CompanyLimited

Witnesseth whereas the Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller, and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer, with terms and conditions stipulated hereinafter, the goods listed below:

2. Delivery Date: The goods will be dispatched 5days after the Seller had received the
payment from the Buyer.
3. Mode of Transport: Ocean shipping.
4. Place of Delivery: As specified by the Buyer.
5. Delivery Documents;Packing list andBill of Lading.
6. PaymentTerms: One time lump-sum payment once the goods are received. ( 注意:付款
条件与 第2项 相左)
7. Mode of Payment: Telegraphic transfer.

8.Dispute Resolving Method: Disputes should be resolved by amicable consultations.
If necessary, the relevant clauses of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China
shall be applied.
9.Contract Validity: This contract will be in effect after the signatures of both parties are
10.This contract is in duplicate, both parties hold one copy each.

The Seller: The Buyer:
International Trading Company Special Chemical Fiber Co. Ltd.
Representative: Representative


My father didn't use to smoke that much.
Whether we shall go camping or not depends on the weather.
Helping others makes you happy
I am deeply interested in this experiment.
A camera will be my favoourite birthday present.
I think what he says is of great importance
It is 700 kilometers from here to the tragedy.
His first job was selling computers.
He gave me some pretty / beautiful photos.
Please choose a good room for us / Please choose us a good room.

1. My father used to smoke not that much.

2. We go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

3. Help make people happy.

4. I'm deeply interested in the test.

5. My favorite birthday present is a camera,

6. I think his words are very important.

7. From here to the tragedy is only 100 kilometers.

8. His first job is computer sales,

9. She gave me some beautiful pictures.

10. Please give us choose a good room.


1. my father didn't use to smoke that much
2. whether we shall go picnic or not depend on what the weather it's going to be tomorrow
3. Helping others makes us happy
4. i'm interested in this experiment
5. my favorite birthday present was the camera
6. i think what he said is important
7. from here to tragedy is only 100 kilometer
8. he's first job it's a salesman for computer
9. she gave me some pretty pictures
10. please choose us a good room

而且楼主 不是 thanks for you 而是 thank you 或者thanks to you

1. My father didn't smoke that much of smoke.
2. Whether we go camping tomorrow or not depends on the weather.
3. Helping others makes us happy.
4. I'm deeply interested in the test.
5. A camera is my favorite birthday present.
6. I think that his words are very important.
7. There is only 100 kilometers from here to Beiju.
8. His first job is a computer salesman.
9. She gave me some beautiful photos.
10. Please help us choose a good room.

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