
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:the deepseated string Confucian learning is always being occupied has governed position , society has produced extremely profound but remote effect to China. Chinese depreciates the thought action facing upward all along with oneself conducting self in society classics, ...

奥运的起源过程 [英语]
答:in 1870, 1875, 1887 and 1889, has held four Panhellenic Games. Because of organizational mismanagement and limited participation in Greek, Greece, the Olympic Games will not continue to grow, but European countries, have had a great impact, in many countries, several newspapers this ...


饶海13079933433: 急求数列中 累差求和、累商求积、错位相减等求和方法 -
政和县满竖:: 公式法、累加法、累乘法、待定系数法、对数变换法、迭代法、数学归纳法、换元法、不动点法、特征根的方法等等. 类型一 归纳—猜想—证明 由数列的递推公式可写出数列的前几项,再由前几项总结出规律,猜想出数列的一个通项公式,...

饶海13079933433: "Translating is rewriting" 这个观点是谁提出来的? -
政和县满竖:: 西方文化学派的典型代表Andre Lefevere(1992)指出:翻译是对原文的重写,不能真实地反映原作的面貌,因为翻译总要受到poetics、ideology和patronage三要素的影响.他提出的翻译三要素,虽然夸大了意识形态(ideology)在翻译过程中的...

饶海13079933433: 数列的取倒数法,a(n+1)=(pan+q)/(ran+s) - 作业帮
政和县满竖::[答案] 例题很简单an=a(n-1)/[2a(n-1)+1]1/an=[2a(n-1)+1]/a(n-1)【左右同时取倒数】1/an=2+[1/a(n-1)]1/a1=1/2于是数列{1/an}是以1/2为首项,公差为2得等差数列于是1/an=(1/2)+2(n-1)=(4n-3)/2得an=2/(4n-3)...