在线用英语帮忙翻译文章  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

In light of the differences and compatiblity between western and Chines cultures ,deep inside the cultural discrepancises ,the effects of the cultural evolution in the fields of history ,economy,and thingking styles have been substantial with the time going by.Below, I will talk about it in three aspect.
First,it's about ethics and profits
Generally,westerns prefer profits to morals ,while orientals prefer morals to profits or try to achieve a balance between both of them.In the minds of Orientals, ethics are always put on the top of the priorities.In ancient times,the opinion that Guan Yu is absolute and powerful emblem of ethics in China is a kind of demonstration influenced by varied discplines of cultures.Besides the culture flowing from 5000 years ago is also a critical factor.Relatively, the shorter culture of the West focuses on profits which reflects realism.Through the invasins to China and the western lifestyle,egoism can be clearly seen or this can be explained as not hypocritical and respectful to facts,which is certainly compared with the majority of Orientals.In eastern coutries such as China ,modesty is an noted and respected moral,however, westerns don't know how to deal with it .Westerns most abondon their morals in favor of thier profits .



In the process of Chinese two thousand feudalist society many years history, the deepseated string Confucian learning is always being occupied has governed position , society has produced extremely profound but remote effect to China. Chinese depreciates the thought action facing upward all along with oneself conducting self in society classics, this is that "a mean course" with the Confucian School is fundamental behavior criterion. "O.K." be the ideal that the Confucian School runs after, life conducts self in society wanting to be everyone's behavior guide , to meet person waiting for a thing with the Confucian School benevolence , righteousness , gift , wisdom , the thought moral concept believing , one's behavior and conversation should be consider the temperature , good , respectful , thrifty , dodges , takes pride in making modest remarks , takes modesty as, oppose the excessive field showing self showing oneself. Therefore, Chinese culture embodies out the group culture characteristic , this group culture the characteristic is not to allow individual values placing self above of group benefit. The Western countries outlook on values formation may trace back to Renaissance motion at least. The guiding ideology of Renaissance is a humanism , is to take advocating an individual as centre , propagate individualism highest, develop self at full steam showing oneself. "Modest" this one concept is that neglection is irrespective of in value in west culture. That the go-betweens who live are adored is a "strong person" "hero". Have capability , the strong person who has talent to get a reuse, the weak of self-distrust can only fall behind or be sifted out by merciless field. Therefore, west culture embodies out individual culture characteristic , this individual culture the characteristic advocates individual values placing self above of group benefit. It is just because that two Chinese and Western species culture has difference so, on appraising a color to what some individual words with. Such as: One word , self have ambition appraising two kinds import. But Chinese uses whose derogatory sense , expresses "a flight of ambition", then, the English beautiful woman takes whose commendatory , expresses "great ambitions". But Aggressive one word , Chinese are much used for describing a certain person "defiance" "bellicose", American is used to describe a certain person "being eager to make progress making progress , to have a pioneering spirit " then. Group of our country culture, takes family kith and kin relation seriously very much , looks upon it as the cell being composed of society; But depend on the Western countries , advocate to be independent making earnest efforts to stand one's feet and being independent. Chinese monarch and subjects , father and son taking tradition seriously, are arange in order of seniority , rigidly stratified, but in English USA home, the older generation and the younger generation are not fussy about the old and the young boundary on an equal footing, get along with much with the friend. Chinese's traditional ideas always advocates "four generations living together " "whole family reunion ", from the ancient times has "parents right away good word old teaching not traveling faraway "; That the 18-year-old sons or daughters still live in depending on parents to live at home is an inconceivable thing , they must depend on self both hands to get rid of independent life but in English USA home. By the same token, important parents of age has lost an ability to care for themselves even , can not be a burden on a son or daughter in general also, they sometimes want to live in a yard entering an old people , being looked after by society. The culture diversity brings about the values not being same as. If lod one word , Chinese have "Zun to offer old " tradition politely always right away oldly. The "old people" expresses the honorable concept within Chinese, if the ancestor , grandpa , old gentleman wait. "Lao Zhang" ", "Lao Wang ", are be penetrating honour and affectionate, "Old people Zhang" "Old people Wang" also is worship having add. Chinese sometimes with age extremely glorious. And when others talks, age is increasingly big , qualification gets over oldly , gets over also right away honour that can get others. "The ginger is still old burning ". From our point of view, the senior is sapiential incarnation not only, symbol being also prestige. But, extremely exceptional people of the Western countries is ready to capitalize on being advanced in age but calls self " an old ". From their point of view, the "old" is an "useless" pronoun , the import being to prepare "tidal current unsuitable" "being old and good for nothing " joins together. The UK beautiful woman is not fond of others criticizing self oldly , capitalizes on being advanced in age not likely. In west culture, they treat age as most important private matters one wants to hide of individual. Especially the lady, avoids the age that others asks about self as taboo more. Even if being ready to talk about self age, also ask others to make a guess on whose age, but now, that their real purpose expectation other people butters them up it seems that age is small than reality , is what young. If, the English beautiful woman avoids the deep fat of Mo as taboo one word, sees that person says a fat may make peopel dejected slow and antipathetic. As to fatmeat (fat) is most probably to be considered being totally worthless be the good-for-nothing who throws away's turn. But Chinese has seen that the child says "the fat pip-pip " "plump", express being fond of to the child, say fat righteousness of having "putting on weight" to an adultman, the woman says fat righteousness of having "liberality" on all the year , It both eulogizes intention of buttering up. Also often, hearing people criticizing some is piece of "fat" kind from east to west or some assign the utterance being "lucrative post" in daily life job,that intention is exceptional thing or location so rare that it is not to be sought under the word. Chinese not being disgusted with a fat, and eulogize to the person not only having add.

In two thousand years of Chinese history of feudal society in the process of Confucianism has been occupied entrenched string of Chinese social dominance, the influence of the extremely profound. Chinese people always commenting on the classic thoughts as lifted disposition, it is the "mean" by Confucianism as the basic principles. Behavior "In" is the ideal realm, Confucian pursuit of Confucian benevolence disposition to life, righteousness, faith, intellect, and the moral concept as everyone's behavior, to guide, how to consider temperature, good revenue, waste, and are proud of that, with humble, modesty, revealed his performance against excessive. Therefore, Chinese culture reflect the cultural characteristic of the group, this group of cultural characteristics are not allowed in the personal value of the interests of the community.

In western countries the formation of values dates back at least Renaissance movement. The Renaissance humanism guiding ideology, which is to advocate for the center and individualism is trying to develop themselves, and express themselves. "The concept of a modest" in western culture is the value of the neglected. Life is the worship "hero", "the strong man". Have strong ability, can get the lack of confidence and reuse only behind or were eliminated. Therefore, the western culture, the cultural features reflect individual characteristics such as personal value of individual culture in groups interests.

Because of this, both Chinese and western culture in for some words with mixed colours. If ambition: a word, itself has received two meanings. The Chinese nation, with its ambitions, "said." and the people and said, "BaoYi ambition." Aggressive, Chinese used to describe someone "provocative" Aggressive ", while americans to describe someone "enterprising spirit, there."

Our group culture, attaches great importance to the family, friends saw it as consisting of social cell, In western countries, advocating independence ziqiang self-reliance. Chinese officials, the father of traditional value, what hierarchy, and in countries with the younger and equal status between elders, and if you don't mind, with friends. Chinese traditional concept has always advocated "alternative" family "iv reunion, has a" parents, not in words into the "ancient precept, In Britain, children under the age of 18 countries still lives at home on their parents are incredible things, they must rely on our own hands to live independently. Similarly, the old parents even lost self-care skill, general will, they often bloated children living in nursing homes, by the society.

The cultural values of different brought in the same. As a Chinese tradition, lod is "aged" tradition. Respect "Old" in Chinese, such as the concept of showing respect our ancestors, grandpa, signior, etc. "Lao zhang", "wang", the respect and intimacy, "zhang old" material "is exalted. Chinese people tend to honor the older. And when others are talking, the old age, qualifications, will get the respect of others. "Ginger or old spicy". In our opinion, is not only the elders wisdom incarnate, is the symbol of prestige. However, the western countries, very few people would rather claimed "old" YiLaoMaiLao. In their opinion, "old" is "no", and "is not" old useless trend "together. People don't like others and said, not old YiLaoMaiLao. In western culture, they put age as important personal privacy. Especially the lady asked, more irked by their age. Even willing to talk about their age, and also to others, and the age, their true purpose expectations more apparent than real compliments their age, is how young. Another example, foreigners don deep fat a taboo words, man said fat be frustrating unhappy and disgust. Say to the most fatmeat (fat) will be considered worthless should throw rubbish. While Chinese children said, "see", "chubby PanHuHu to children's favorite, said to adult males are" fat "convert said, speak to the adult women" full "fat, have the praise of flattery. In daily life, work and often heard people say that something is a "fat" or a "real gravy train with a word," is something or other suits. Chinese people not hate to praise and fat.

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