
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

pathological condition reflex是什么意思
答:pathological condition reflex 英 [ˌpæθəˈlɔdʒɪkəl kənˈdiʃən ˈri:ˌfleks] 美 [ˌpæθəˈlɑdʒɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən &...

答:pathological 相似短语 pathologic anatomy 病理解剖学 pathologic process 病理过程 pathologic ring 病理环 pathologic ossification 【医】 病理性骨化 pathologic tubercles 【医】 剖尸疣, 尸毒性疣 pathologic asphyxia 病理性窒息 pathologic condition 病理情况 pathologic fracture 病理性骨折 pathologic react...

答:the pathological change scope is broad. In crown arteries medicine support book fair coronary disease best treatment. The cardic muscle lacks the blood always to shoulder the value after to judge the coronary disease condition pre- to have the vital role 我...


答:Youth is not a period of life, it is a condition in which a person's mind. 25、一个人成为他自己了,那就是达到了快乐的顶点。 A person as his own, that is achieved the zenith of happiness. 26、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。 Life can't have two times, but many peopl...

more about <The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine>...
答:Huangdi Neijing 黄帝内经 (Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic)原来这才是正在的英文名 好多资料 Huangdi neijing 黄帝内经 "The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor" Neijing Suwen...


褚详19637732698: 病理学有哪些专科细分吗? -
五原县萧园:: 病理学(Pathology)是用自然科学的方法,研究疾病的病因、发病机制、形态结构、功能和代谢等方面的改变,揭示疾病的发生发展规律,从而阐明疾病本质的医学科学.病理学既是医学基础学科,同时又是一门实践性很强的具有临床性质的...

褚详19637732698: diagnosis 和 pathological diagnosis 有什么区别 -
五原县萧园:: diagnosis 诊断,应用广泛,人或物均可 Diagnosis is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly. 诊断 pathological diagnosis 病理学/病理诊断 局限于医药类

褚详19637732698: 病理耗材,病理设备,病理 ,用英语怎么说,要人工翻译的,不要在网上找的
五原县萧园:: 病理耗材:pathological comsumables 病理设备:pathological equipments 病理:pathology

褚详19637732698: 什么体组织切片检查 -
五原县萧园:: 肿瘤组织细胞的病理检查. 病理检查 pathological examination 用以检查机体器官、组织或细胞中的病理改变的病理形态学方法.为探讨器官、组织或细胞所发生的疾病过程,可采用某种病理形态学检查的方法,检查他们所发生的病变 ,探...