
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

It is a good way to keep both teachers and students(happy)适当...
答:你好!如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,谢谢,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可happy 形容词做宾补 如不明白请追问 记得给问豆啊!

That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy...

It is a good way to keep both teachers and students(happy)适当...
答:为你解答:happy 保证准确率!不明白就追问!

That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy...

答:此处用did, keep为好。如果没有前一句话,两个都行。have kept意思是一直保留,现在还在手中。did keep意思是以前保留过一段时间,现在已经不在了。原文第一句说“我早就把书还回图书馆了”,书已不在我这里,因此用did keep更好。

How to keep safe on the streets英语作文怎么写
答:Try to keep both hands free and don’t walk with your hands in your pockets. Try to use well lit,busy streets and use the route you know best Whenever possible,walk facing oncoming traffic to avoid kerb crawlers. If you do have to walk in the same direction as the traffic and a ve...

that will be a good way to keep both teachers and students___._百...
答:close 保持密切的关系 就用这个形容词

we have to keep us both on the right track 里面的us能用ourselves代替...
答:可用 ourselves 代替us both 符合keep+反身代词+介词结构

...home? A.have;as B.keep;for C.keep;as D.both A and C
答:选D 这里的have 和keep 都是养猫的意思 as 作为 你在家里养猫做宠物吗?

短语keep tabs on 什么意思
答:keep tabs on [词典]记录或密切注意;[网络]密切注意; 监视;[例句]You can also keep tabs on both staff and attendee activities.您也可以将标签的工作人员和参加者的活动。


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