
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

答:hit的短语:hit up(v.+adv.)请求 ask for (a job, a loan)He hit up his father's friends for work.他请求他父亲的朋友们介绍工作。hit in(v.+adv.)球被踢进 make sth, such as a ball enter by hitting it At the last moment, the player was able to hit the ball in and ...

throw sth to sb的意思跟throw sth at sb一样吗?
答:客观地陈述"把某物扔给某人这回事", 侧重交代事实.throw sth at sb 此结构是把sth当做泄愤的工具, 把此物砸向某人.例句:He threw the basketball to me.他把篮球传给我(含义: for me to catch it)比较:He threw the basketball at me.他用篮球向我砸过来.(含义: tried to hit me.)造句...

答:into doing sth.(“说服,建议”意义与into连用)⑦buy sb. for sth.(leave、get、win、gain、lose等“得失”意义与for连用) ⑧tell sth.to sb.(show、teach、sing、write、read等“告知”意义与to连用) ⑨give sth. to sb.(give、allow、promise、pass、hand等“授予”意义与to连用) 注意:⑦⑧⑨可换成...

hit 加身体部位用法
答:hit加身体部位时,后面要加介词on/against/in,即hit sth on/against sth,意为使身体部位碰上某物。hit本身可作动词和名词,作动词时,意为击、打、碰撞,作名词时,意为命中、击中、很受欢迎的人。hit的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为动词时,意为(用手或器具)击,打;碰撞;撞击(造成损伤);使(...

答:bite咬过去式 bit.hurt动词;使受伤 形容词:受伤的,过去式hurt.hit 袭击,撞 过去式hit My dog doesn't bite the stranger.我的狗不咬陌生人。Her left leg was badly hurt.她的左腿受伤严重。A rain hit Zhenjiang this morning.一场雨今早袭击了镇江。

fight 和 hit 和 hurt 有什么区别
答:一、词义广泛性不一样 hit 英 [hɪt] 美 [hɪt]1、v. 打;打击;袭击;碰撞;偶然发现;伤…的感情 2、n. 打;打击;(演出等)成功;讽刺 hurt 英 [hɜːt] 美 [hɝt]1、v. 使受伤;损害;使疼痛;使痛心;感到疼痛;带来痛苦 2、n. 痛苦;危害;...

答:26. send … to … 把……寄给……27. a picture of … ……的照片28. on the left/right 在左/右边29. put the address 写地址30. put the stamp 贴邮票31. in the corner 在角落32. write to sb. 给某人写信 = write a letter to sb.33. be bigger than 比……大34. put sth. in 把...

it hit sb that
答:it hit sb that=it strikes sb that 是一样的意思,可以互换,当主语是thought或者idea的时候用strike或者occur to。

答:单宾语是一个宾语 如 close the door 其中the door就是单宾 双宾语是指两个宾语一般一个是人,一个是物,双宾语结构通常可以改写为有to或for的短语:give sb sth =give sth to sb, show sb sth =show sth to sb, buy sb sth =buy sth for sb, make sb sth =make sth for sb ...

hit on 在美语口语中是什么意思
答:忽然想到, 偶然发现 1、She says she's hit on a way of dealing with this problem.她说她突然想出了解决这个问题的方法。2、Finally they hit on the best way to carry out the rescue.最后他们想出了进行抢救工作的最好方法。hit的用法:1、Hit somebody a hard blow 狠狠地打某人 She ...


福聂19138349992: It's+adj. for sb. to do sth.这个句型什么意思? -
宿松县鲍高:: It's+adj. for sb. to do sth.:做某事对于某人来说是… 【例1】It's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits. 拥有健康的饮食习惯对于我们来说是必要的. 【例2】It's important for us to protect the environment. 保护环境对zhidao于我们来说是重...

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宿松县鲍高:: 当sth为名词时,可以互换;但是当sth为人称代词时,这只能用pass sth to

福聂19138349992: 求动词+to sb sth句型 -
宿松县鲍高:: announce to sb. sth. (=announce sth. to sb.)向某人宣布某事 express to sb. sth.(=express sth. to sb.)向某人表达某事 explain to sb. sth. (=explain sth. to sb.)向某人解释某事 mention to sb. sth. (=mention sth. to sb. )向某人提起某事 report to sb. sth. ...