
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

hit sb in/on+身体某部位 with sth怎么造句?
答:i hit you on your head with my hand

答:My dog doesn't bite the stranger.我的狗不咬陌生人。Her left leg was badly hurt.她的左腿受伤严重。A rain hit Zhenjiang this morning.一场雨今早袭击了镇江。

hit sth on sth什么意思
答:手机版 我的知道 hit sth on sth什么意思 搜索资料 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览3 次 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐:特别推荐“着急”的西安,“慌张”的郑州,谁更牛? 建水电站会“淹死”一级保护动物绿孔雀吗? 身边的恶魔丨如何...

hit sb.with sth.与hit sb.to sth.的区别有这两个词组吗
答:hit sb.with sth.用某物击打某人 hit sb.to sth.把某人推向某物

hit sb. with sth.与hit sb. to sth.的区别
答:你好。这两个词组的意思是:hit sb. with sth.用某物击打某人 hit sb. to sth. 把某人推向某物

答:打某人的鼻子 hit sb. on the nose 做笔记 make / take notes 与…无关 have nothing to do with 张贴通知 put up a notice 对某人毫不在意 pay no notice to sb.运转着,实施中 be in operation 订购某物 place an order for sth. 失业了 out of work 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses 颐和园 the ...

答:hit at(v.+prep.)We must hit hard at the enemy.我们应该狠狠地打击敌人。2.抨击 criticize He hit at several political figures.他抨击了好几位政界要人。hit back(v.+adv.)回击,反抗 hit back at sb (who has criticized or harmed you); criticize or harm in return Our militiamen ...

英语的“ with”有什么作用?
答:the thief by the arm. 那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。lead sb. by the nose.牵着鼻子,控制某人 5.with with与身体部位名词连用,常表示借助什么方法、工具等做某事。常见的表达方式有:take sth. with both hands 用双手拿……see with one’s eyes 用眼看 listen with your ears. 用耳听 ...

答:make a hit(with sb)给予某人良好的印象 hit也可作动词,表示“打,击中,碰撞”。如果表示“打某人的脑袋”,一般说hit sb on the head。 hit用作引申义,表示“使遭受(自然灾害,损失,痛苦等):达到,碰到,猜中”。 在口语中可以表示“突然想起”。 hit on/upon 偶然发现,忽然想到 hit the ceiling/roof 勃然...

sth hit/strike sb是什么意思?
答:有种:突发奇想,计上心头,突然想出某个好主意的意思。you like the idea that you came up with.


方刮15148154744: 用be buSy With Sth造句 -
海宁市臧娇:: 用be buSy With Sth造句 We are busy with the final exam.我们在忙于期末考试.满意请及时采纳,谢谢

方刮15148154744: 英语造句,每个造2句1.be busy with sth2.be busy doing sth3.help sb do sth4.thought about doing.5.decide to do.6.sb spend + 时间 doing sth - 作业帮
海宁市臧娇::[答案] 1.be busy with sth 忙于某事I'm busy with my homework.My father is busy with his work now.2.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事She is busy doing housework.My teacher is busy preparing the exam papers.3.help s...

方刮15148154744: help sb with sth造句用一般现在一般过去一般将来各造一个 -
海宁市臧娇:: 一般现在 She helps me with my homework.一般过去 He helped me with my homework just now.一般将来 It will help me with my homework.

方刮15148154744: proride sb.with sth造句 -
海宁市臧娇:: 你好 可以这样造句:Your parents will provide you with whatever you need. (你的父母会为你提供你所需要的一起)