
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

答:we Chinese nation has always been a strong emphasis on courtesy and manners. In history for thousands of years, how many famous people with lofty ideals to the story of courtesy has been widely read, "into four-year-old,

瑞士的风土人情 用英文
答:Swiss love the clean, Switzerland social taboos and etiquette, courtesy and manners of the requirements and so on with other western countries is basically the same. Western countries in general and customs, etiquette, and so understand the requirements and correct to do so, and Swiss...

英语作文 英国人生活习惯
答:Britain is a country gentleman, pay attention to courtesy and manners, self-oriented. At the same time, other people also asked for their courtesy. Attention to the clothes, what occasion to wear what dress a certain practice. Zun meeting on the upper level and people are not f...

答:- Politeness(礼貌):指的是尊重他人的感受和权利,不使他们感到难堪或不舒服。礼貌的表现形式包括如实回答问题、不打断别人的谈话、感谢他人的帮助等等。- Courtesy(礼仪):指的是受社会习俗和规定所影响的与表达尊重和重视他人的做法有关。礼仪的表现形式比如向老师问好、向长辈请安、在正式场合上穿着...

答:Patriotism, is the Chinese people should be every emotional heat; health reflects the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Stressing civilization, and fostering new practices, knowledge courtesy, polite, it is every citizen must be to conduct oneself. Courtesy and manners from an ...

答:Nordic people are very particular about courtesy and manners are very respected businessman with high self-cultivation. Their dealings with foreigners more attention to ritual, whether formal or informal settings, if they are the host, will be in good order to maximize customer ...

答:1.On May 1, 2008, will move in room 205 2.Your hotel service quality and attitude remain, raise, environment noisy, restaurant time that breakfast supply with too short .3.Hope attitude of changing, decorum receive guests, change environment to be noisy, restaurant time short ...

答:so that this class is more united, more profound friendship. In October the civilized manners, the whole of China are filled with the aroma of courtesy and manners. These are from a variety of fragrant flowers, you, they are a part of, believe, we can do it. We will prov...

答:xx is an active student who has definite goals at studying ,loves his major and studys hard.As well as being an excellent student ,he also owns advantages of humility & courtesy .What is more,he is excel at studying with other students.He does believe that everyone should be ...

急!!!翻译翻译 不用翻译工具
答:1.Employees are not allowed in the meal with loud noise, slapstick, smoking, should set a good habit of courtesy and manners 2.Maintain environmental hygiene to prohibit spitting, litter confetti. The remaining staff dining food residue, paper meal should be poured into the dustbin. ...


杜印17745798327: 礼尚往来的翻译 -
南长区黎居:: courtesy demands reciprocity (成语解释)礼尚往来,在礼节上注重有来有往,借指用对方对待自己的态度和方式去对待对方 .《礼记·曲礼上》:“太上贵德,其次务施报,礼尚往来,往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也.” 宋 计有功 《唐诗纪事·李昂》:“ 权 ( 李权 )拱而前曰:'夫礼尚往来,来而不往,非礼也.鄙文不臧,既得而闻矣,而执事昔有雅什,尝闻於道路,愚将切磋可乎?'”

杜印17745798327: 国外很多视频上标示courtesy,什么意思 -
南长区黎居:: 意思就是说这个视频是经视频拥有者授权使用的,类似中文里的“授权使用,转载请注明出处”. It generally means the rightsholder of the video has given permission for that specific usage. 它通常表示视频的分享者已为该特定用途提供了许可...

杜印17745798327: 地铁公交里面,爱心座,敬老座,官方英文是什么 -
南长区黎居:: 爱心座 courtesy seat,恰如其分地翻译出了“礼让”这一层意思.Courtesy在美国英文里还有“优待”的意思,例如旅馆、商店或银行的优待卡就叫courtesy card.我们乘车就是应该给与老弱病残孕以优待,这也是我们的一种爱心.如果你对courtesy seat还不满意的话,那只能直接照搬西方的常见用语,即reserved seat(为需要帮助的人保留的专座).

杜印17745798327: 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的语法和构成 Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to sayDo me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say 这句话里面那... - 作业帮
南长区黎居::[答案] Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say. 请听我说几句话. 请耐心听一听我几句话. 这边的do me the courtesy of listening相当于please listen,是一种比较委婉正式的用法.

杜印17745798327: courtesy什么意思音标 -
南长区黎居:: courtesy 英['kɜ:təsɪ] 美[ˈkɚtɪsi] n. 谦恭有礼,礼貌,请安;有礼貌的举止[言词];承蒙 adj. 殷勤的;出于礼节的 名词复数:courtesies [例句]This goes beyond courtesy , it is a form of giving. 这并不是礼貌,而是一种给予的形式.