
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

1. 我不是你需要时才存在的。
译: I don't live my life only for the time you need me.(我活着不是只为了你需要我的那段时间)
[ 其实我把它稍稍改了一下,但是句子所表达的意思还是没有改变的撒。对嘛~]
2. 我不是你想起是才存在的。
译:Even when you don't remember me,I do exist. ( 即使你忘记了我,我还是一样存在的)
[ 好吧其实我也改了一下....]


个人认为那个是被翻译成: 是的。

1.On May 1, 2008, will move in room 205
2.Your hotel service quality and attitude remain, raise, environment noisy, restaurant time that breakfast supply with too short .
3.Hope attitude of changing, decorum receive guests, change environment to be noisy, restaurant time short emergence too that breakfast supply.

On May 1st of 2008, there were 205 rooms occupied.
The quality and attitude of service remain to be improved, the noisy environment, the range of time in which the breakfast at the cafeteria is served is too short
Hope to change our service attitude, to treat our guests with better manners and civility, to improve the noisyness of the environment, and the time range of breakfast at the cafeteria being served and such incidents.


May 1, 2008, to move into 205 hotel rooms of your service quality and service attitude needs to be improved, environmental noise, restaurants Breakfast time was too short and so want to change the attitude, courtesy and manners hospitality, changing the environment noisy, restaurant Breakfast time is too short supply in the occurrence of such phenomena

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    答:1.On May 1, 2008, will move in room 205 2.Your hotel service quality and attitude remain, raise, environment noisy, restaurant time that breakfast supply with too short .3.Hope attitude of changing, decorum receive guests, change environment to be noisy, restaurant time short ...
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