
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

American companies are evolving from mass‐production manufactur...
答:【答案】:C flexible“灵活的,可变通的”,与mass‐production相对。句意:美国公司正在从大规模生产向灵活多变的企业发展。A.moveable“活动的,可移动的”;B.changing“变化的”;D.varying“变化的”。

big companies are concentrated mainly in big citi
答:which引导的定语从句形容big cities 翻译为大公司主要看重能给毕业生提供更多机会的大城市

答:Nowadays, the situation that private enterprises are facing is far from being satisfactory. The severe market competition will force the corporations to increase the introduction, training and development of talents, and strengthen the human resource management. Especially after our entrance ...

...单词的正确形式。小题1:Several companies are___(竞争
答:小题1:competing 小题2:advertise 小题3:Remove 小题4:lighted/burning 小题5:applications 试题分析:单词拼写考察实词居多,特别应注意名词单复数的变化,动词时态语态的变化,形容词和副词的变化。小题1: competing 动词compete竞争,这是一个不及物动词,后面要接不同的介词,compete for...为了...

Some financial companies are in the red. 中文
答:in the red是负债的意思 所以整句话是“一些财务公司财政出现赤字”

The companies are working together to create ___ they hope will be...
答:A 试题分析:考查从句,从句they hope缺少宾语,所以从关系代词里选择引导词,ABCD都可以做宾语,但是表示的意思不同,what表示什么;that只起连接作用; which表示哪一个;who表示人,所以选A点评:从句是常考内容,做从句题时,首先看从句是否缺少成份,如果缺少就在关系代词里选择引导词;如果不缺少...

[-B18] The companies are working together to create ___ they...
答:C. they hope 是插入语,去掉不影响句子的理解。The companies are working together to create ___ will be the best means oftransport in the 21th century。 这样,句子更加清晰,后面是create 的宾语从句,属于名词性从句,名词性从句中指代物体或事情的用what。

the passenger's complaints to many companies are focus on late arr...
答:应该用can 这样整句翻译就是“乘客的对许多公司的通俗大多都和延误的航班到达有关,因为很多航班可能(can)被延误很多个小时”如果用will好像是航空公司故意想要延误似的,但是其实人家也是迫不得已,而且不符合前后都用现在时的时态统一 如果还有问题可以找我~...

找错误:Automobile companies are developing vehicles
答:把第三个单词are去掉。因为谓语是will 把like改成as,翻译成正如。

速度和高手 作文改错呀。(2)
答:Even through the crisis influences us, I am still optimistic and satisfied about the accountant’s future. Because of the development of our world, companies are also bacoming bigger than before. In fact, companies need accountants anywhere. Accountants will have more opportunities ...


时胜17869222190: 英语语法:But this emphasis may mean that companies are....请问为什么这里mean不用加s?因为有may? -
通榆县冶爸:: may/ can/must等情态动词+动词原形

时胜17869222190: 为什么用anything.Insurance companies are normally wi -
通榆县冶爸:: anything 用于肯定句表示在限定范围内的任何事情,即在此范围内随便的任何东西/事情、任何一件东西/事情、所有的东西/事情.这句话的意思是“保险公司通常愿意对所有(或任何)东西给予保险”. 另如:Factory farming produces anything...

时胜17869222190: 帮忙解释一个英语选择题 Some local companies are making great efforts to - C_ - with foreign companies for a share of the market. - 作业帮
通榆县冶爸::[选项] A. connect B. combine C. complete D. compare

时胜17869222190: “这两家公司都生产空调,他们的产品在世界上均非常出名,当然他们也是竞争对手”用英语怎么说? -
通榆县冶爸:: Both the companies are air conditioner manufacturer and their products are world famous, of course they are competitors as well.

时胜17869222190: [ - B18] The companies are working together to create - ---- - they hope will be the best means of -
通榆县冶爸:: C. they hope 是插入语,去掉不影响句子的理解.The companies are working together to create ______ will be the best means oftransport in the 21th century. 这样,句子更加清晰,后面是create 的宾语从句,属于名词性从句,名词性从句中指代物体或事情的用what.