速度和高手 作文改错呀。(2)

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-30

第一行 worst-worse
第二行 have-has
第二行 glass-glasses
第三行 去掉the
第四行 add-adding
第五行 playing-play
第五行 yet-however
第六行 that后面加an
第六行 his-their
第七行 anything-something

People may say I’m a powerful person. They say I have a dominated attitude in life. However, in general, men control everything in our society. Women and Men play this kind of traditional way for many years. In many people’s opinion, men have to work to support family’s expense, and women have to do a lot of housework to make the family comfortable. This traditional way hasn’t changed for a long time. That’s the reason I cannot understand Laura. I don’t know why she would want to find her independent life style and her own pursue. Our society’s value forbids women to leave the family and pursuit independence without her husband’s permit. Women should be loyal to her family. She cannot leave the family to go against most people’s value.

Maybe many people don’t understand me. However, in 1900s century, everything that I do for Larua is very common in the world. Compared with me, many husbands maybe don’t allow their wives to touch the family’s money. I have already given my wife Laura a lot of freedom. However, she still doesn’t understand me and leaves me. I cannot give her absolute freedom to pursue her life, because it’s against our social value and ethics. I do everything for Laura. Therefore, if I change my life and my attitude, I won’t become the manager of the bank. I don’t want to change my life and attitude because it’s suitable for our society.

In addition, on some traits, I get a very low score. For example, the sympathy and morality score I get below thirty. In reality, when I was working, I often didn’t want to tell the whole truth to the colleague. The reason is that sometimes when you tell the truth to the colleague, the colleague will report those things to the upper level in the back. I try to protect myself in the work. Therefore, my openness score is low.
Therefore, I know my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are that I’m enthusiastic and active in the company. I always creat an optimistic working atmosphere in the company, and try to be friendly with every colleague. My weaknesses are that don't trust many people, and don’t want to tell the whole truth and feeling to others. In this case, I feel it contradictory to treat a colleague as a real friend
Next, let’s see the opportunity and challenge for accounting jobs. The environment for accountants is indoors. They use the electronic mail and telephone to communicate with others. We need an accountant anywhere, the working environment and salary attracted people to be an accountant. Furthermore, we all know that many immigrants try to be an accountant. They have bilingual skills. They speak more than one language, and this will be more attractive in this diverse city. This is my opportunity because I come from a foreign country.
The challenge is that there are so many college students. In the market field, we have a lot of accountants already. The surplus of the accountants causes a very serious competition for finding a job. Many companies not only require a student with high GPA but also at least two years working experience. On the other hand, because of the economic crisis, many people lost their jobs, and they try to do the accounting job. To cope with this bad situation, I will try to find some internship, or continue doing bookkeeping, to enhance myself.
Even through the crisis influences us, I am still optimistic and satisfied about the accountant’s future. Because of the development of our world, companies are also bacoming bigger than before. In fact, companies need accountants anywhere. Accountants will have more opportunities in our society. 呵呵 希望你能采纳!

In addition, on some traits, I get a very low score. For example, the sympathy and morality score I get below thirty. In reality, when I was working, I often didn’t want to tell the whole truth to the colleague. The reason is that sometimes when you tell the truth to the colleague, the colleague will report those things to the upper level in the back. I try to protect myself in the work. Therefore, my openness score is low.
Therefore, I know my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are that I’m enthusiastic and active in the company. I always creat an optimistic working atmosphere in the company, and try to be friendly with every colleague. My weaknesses are that don't trust many people, and don’t want to tell the whole truth and feeling to others. In this case, I feel it contradictory to treat a colleague as a real friend
Next, let’s see the opportunity and challenge for accounting jobs. The environment for accountants is indoors. They use the electronic mail and telephone to communicate with others. We need an accountant anywhere, the working environment and salary attracted people to be an accountant. Furthermore, we all know that many immigrants try to be an accountant. They have bilingual skills. They speak more than one language, and this will be more attractive in this diverse city. This is my opportunity because I come from a foreign country.
The challenge is that there are so many college students. In the market field, we have a lot of accountants already. The surplus of the accountants causes a very serious competition for finding a job. Many companies not only require a student with high GPA but also at least two years working experience. On the other hand, because of the economic crisis, many people lost their jobs, and they try to do the accounting job. To cope with this bad situation, I will try to find some internship, or continue doing bookkeeping, to enhance myself.
Even through the crisis influences us, I am still optimistic and satisfied about the accountant’s future. Because of the development of our world, companies are also bacoming bigger than before. In fact, companies need accountants anywhere. Accountants will have more opportunities in our society.