
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

...that backroom deals are business as usual in the government._百...
答:I'm simply saying that backroom deals are business as usual in the government.翻译:我只是想说,走后门在政府是司空见惯的事情。分析:I 主语 am simply saying 谓语 that连接词,不做成分 backroom deals are business as usual in the government. 整个句子充当宾语,称为宾语从句。宾语从句...

答:The plane took off despite the fog . 尽管有雾,飞机仍 照常 起飞。Things will proceed normally despite difficulties . 尽管有困难,但一切 照常 。You see, madrid goes about its business as usual . 你瞧,马德里 照常 进行工作。Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead . ...

答:and practical.如今,顾客老练,精明,讲究实际,注重实效.(tough-minded 有这样的意思)现实的;讲究实际的 They know what they want,and they know value.他们知道自己想要什么,也知道(商品的)实际价值.They mean business and it isn't business as usual.他们所认为的生意不再是像往常一样的生意了.

答:Do not pay attention to the introduction of the blade with the thumb on the Kaiqu blood. After three days, the men singing a lullaby for his daughter every night as usual, the morning line for her a beautiful bow, took her to see the sea of blue. As if business as usual...

business package是什么意思?
答:business1.事务,业务;事,事业,行业,工作。2.实业;商业,营业,买卖,交易;营业额,交易量;商情。,企业,公司;事务所。4.职责,本分;权利。5.要事,要务;难事。6.【戏剧】动作,表情。7.(会议等的)议程。 business as usual 照常营业。 follow the business of 以…为业。

答:talk business说正经话, 谈正经的That's no business of yours.不关你[我]的事。That's no business of mine.不关你[我]的事。the business of the day议事日程the business of the meeting议事日程What a business it is!真难办!What is your business ?[口]你来干什么?business as usual(尽管受到...

英语文章2翻译 谢谢各位了
答:In the best of cases, pursuing a business-as-usual approach, the wealthy countries may get lucky: the spread of contagion may be stopped at borders and when it crosses, advanced, expensive treatment may be available. But no matter what, the economic and potential political ...

答:Today, business as usual. Grit one's teeth endured, waiting to return to China. Accompanied by China's old comrades, when the soldiers had fought in the Qiongshan ditch factories engaged in similar acts, but also shook his head said: "I呀ability to be patient and quite strong...

still running the block什么意思?不要机器翻译
答:跟business as usual意思差不多,指的是店铺照常经营。block这里指卖场。

as 和 like有什么区别?
答:as和like都可以用作介词, 但意义不同。as表示“以实际的身份或地位”like则表示“与……相似”, “以与……相类似的方式”例如:1. She spoke as a lawyer.2. She spoke like a lawyer.1句意思是“她作为律师发言。”或“她以律师的身份发言。”2句的意思是“她讲话很像是律师。”(其实...


喻荔19110989893: 英语翻译The atmosphere simply can't take the kind of emissions we've been seeing in the business - as - usual scenario and there is no real commitment to ... - 作业帮
炎陵县戎沫::[答案] 我们已经看到在正常的情况下大气中根本无法承担那种排放,并且没有真正改变的承诺去改变它.

喻荔19110989893: as 和 like有什么区别? -
炎陵县戎沫:: as和like都可以用作介词, 但意义不同.as表示“以实际的身份或地位” like则表示“与……相似”, “以与……相类似的方式” 例如:1. She spoke as a lawyer.2. She spoke like a lawyer.1句意思是“她作为律师发言.”或“她以律师的身份发言.”2句的意思是“她讲话很像是律师.”(其实她不是)

喻荔19110989893: 求常用英文单词的缩写,如I Love You - > I Luv U等... -
炎陵县戎沫:: company的缩写是co. Inc.的原形是Incorporated... association的缩写呢..是assoc. Ltd. (limited)即有限责任公司(全写:Co., Ltd), Inc. (incorporated) 为根据公司法组成的股份有限公司. 这个呢 顺便说一下区别吧....呵呵 St.: street: 街 ave....