
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

Discussed shallowly the campus network the construction and applied the network before unprecedented speed to enter our study, the life, and from the ideological concept, the study way as well as the life style has brought the deep transformation to the humanity. How to use the internet and the campus local area network fully, explores the new educational model, serves for the education educational reform is displays the campus net benefit the key point. The full display campus net's benefit, must first change traditional the teaching idea, sets up the network time the teaching view and the talented person view. Therefore, we in the construction network teaching environment's process, must understand the campus net's function and the function fully, creatively development network teaching research activity. 1, establishment take student as main body teaching view. the adaptation information age's request, talented person's raise must have the following characteristic in the future: First, has the quite strong information acquisition and choice ability. Second, has the quite strong networking capability. Third, has the quite strong self-construction ability. Including significance construction, new thought constructions, new knowledge construction and so on. Must raise student's above ability, must draw support the network superiority, causes is centralized from each aspect different knowledge and the information and the high-frequency unifies, only will then provide the massive information and the knowledge to the student. the campus net takes the university information service the comprehensive platform, in university's teaching, the scientific research, the work is getting more and more important. The campus net maintenance work load which provides facing the different level's user need increases largely, for in does not increase the human resources under the premise to provide satisfaction well for the user the service, this article main description establishes a campus net user self-service to serve the platform the method. This platform has on-line registration function, the network requests repairs the function, the network applies the FAQ function, on-line current capacity and remaining sum inquiry function, material downloading function and notice circular function. the system uses the B/S pattern, front end the development kit is Dreamweaver, the backstage database management system is SQL Sever 2000, uses the JSP technology. The test result indicated that the system contact surface is friendly, the movement is stable.


􀂃贷存比率不得超过75% ;
􀂃 流动资产比率不得少于25%;
􀂃 对单个借贷人的放贷总额不得超过银行净资本的10%.

在上述标准中,贷存比率是外资银行面临的最核心问题。由于之前的地区和消费者的限制,外资银行在当地的现金储蓄增长未能和贷款增长保持同步。截至2006年年底,在华外资银行贷存总比率据估计为155%。如果这些外资银行想在中国继续维持的话,必须再吸收将近3370亿元人民币(约合440美元),才能满足新规定的要求,这几乎是其当前吸收储蓄量的一倍。由于外资银行在华开设的网点并不多,因此想要完成这一任务可以说是比较困难的。举例来说,目前获准吸收当地存款的四家外资银行平均仅拥有25家网点。 相较之下,合资银行则平均拥有308家网点。






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