
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

I'll just say you couldn't understand the language, I won't speak, can you understand my action, my body language? I was so hope with you together happy game, happy life. Devotion to you, to you of dependence on your favorite, were you able to understand these?
1, this simple game, let you highly-detailed, if I can, I would like to play with you so for a lifetime.
2, you the whole heart trust me, I give back to you, in addition to trust, a smile.
3 and I could be your mount, chairs, back cushion, etc, etc. As long as you want. Because I love you.
4, you to the world of curious, easing I started living panic. So, accompany you grow up.
5, in my world, is the stupidest hello your first embrace me.
6 and I watch, it is to can make you quiet sleep, the whole world was silent.
7, every prone on the window edge wait you back, is my day is happiest moment.
8, wait you to grow up, will put such a sweet kiss to? And then, I again in where?
9, I climbed up your shoulders, fan on your eyebrow eye, from now on, indulge in your beauty.
10 and I have enough patience, listen to you all, by the world ignored little secret.
11, you carefully blossom smile, fragile and good, let me not fortification into you.
I just like you, you bring me home, give me a warm home, let me may not stay outside stray, hungry belly, no place to sleep, or don't know where intermittently tortured. So, I just like you, thank you, take me home, I wish to accompany grow old with you together, is my life the most romantic thing. Dear friends, if you accidentally also get a and I like the small pets, you must treat it, because it will and I do like you!

When I perform well, she will give me a warm hug and sweet kiss.
When I behave well, she will offer me a warm embrace and sweet kiss.

I can only speak the language that you don't understand, i'm not able to speak, but do you understand my action, my body language?
I'm so hope that I can play with you happily, live with you. loyalty to you, rely on you, love to you, can you understand all of this?
1. this is a simple game, that you always enjoy it, if it's possible, I will play with you all my life.
2. when you trust me heart and soul, I return to you not only trust but also smile.
3. if you like I could be your ride, your chair, headrest, so on and on. cause I love you.
4. your curiousness to this world, relieved my fear of first access to human world, grow up with you, like this.
5. when I say "hello" to this world, it's you first hugged me tightly.
6. I wake vigilantly, just let you sleeping quietly, the whole world is silent.
7. my happiest time of all my day is waiting for you coming next to the window.
8. when you grow up, whom will you give this sweet kiss to? and then, where am I?
9. I climbing on your shoulder, was fascinated by your eyes and brows, since then, fascinated in your beauty.
10. I have enough patience, listening for all your little secrets which ignored by this world.
11. your gingerly smile, tender and nice, let me walk into you without any resistance.
I love you only, it's you bring me home, give me a warm family, let me don't have to roam outside, hungrily, no place to sleep, or don't where I am suffering.
So, I love you only, thank you for bringing me home, I wish getting old with you, cause it's the most romantic thing of my whole life.
Dear friends, if you get a pet like me unconsciously, please be kind to him, because he will love you as much as me.

I only said you do not understand the language, I can not speak, you can understand my actions, my body language? I was so happy with you and hope to the game, happy life. For your loyalty, your dependence on your favorite, which you can know it?
1, this simple game, make you this way, if you can, so I am willing to play with you a lifetime.
2, you trust my heart, I give you feedback, in addition to trust, as well as smile.
3, I can be your horse, chairs, pillows, and so on and so forth. As long as you like. Because I love you.
4, and you wonder for the world to ease my fear of entering the human world. In this way, grew up with you.
5, when I say hello to the world when you first hugged me.
6, I wake up with is to make you a quiet sleep, the whole world is silent.
7, the day lying on the window you get back, is my happiest moment of the day.
8, so you grow up, will give a sweet kiss who? And then, I was where?
9, I climb on your shoulders, fell in love with your facial features, from, indulge in your beauty inside.
10, I have enough patience to listen to you all, is the world's overlooked little secret.
11, you cautiously and a smile on the fragile and beautiful, so I do not fortified into you.
I only like you, you took me home, give me a warm home, so I can not stay out homeless, hungry, no place to sleep, or do not know where tortured. So, I only like you, thank you for bringing me home, I want to stand with you getting older, my life is the most romantic thing. Dear friends, if you inadvertently also a small pet, like me, you have to treat it, because it is so like me, like you!

I'll just say you couldn't understand the language, I won't speak, can you understand my action, my body language? I was so hope with you together happy game, happy life. Devotion to you, to you of dependence on your favorite, were you able to understand these?

1, this simple game, let you highly-detailed, if I can, I would like to play with you so for a lifetime.

2, you the whole heart trust me, I give back to you, in addition to trust, a smile.

3 and I could be your mount, chairs, back cushion, etc, etc. As long as you want. Because I love you.

4, you to the world of curious, easing I started living panic. So, accompany you grow up.

5, in my world, is the stupidest hello your first embrace me.

6 and I watch, it is to can make you quiet sleep, the whole world was silent.

7, every prone on the window edge wait you back, is my day is happiest moment.

8, wait you to grow up, will put such a sweet kiss to? And then, I again in where?

9, I climbed up your shoulders, fan on your eyebrow eye, from now on, indulge in your beauty.

10 and I have enough patience, listen to you all, by the world ignored little secret.

11, you carefully blossom smile, fragile and good, let me not fortification into you.

I just like you, you bring me home, give me a warm home, let me may not stay outside stray, hungry belly, no place to sleep, or don't know where intermittently tortured. So, I just like you, thank you, take me home, I wish to accompany grow old with you together, is my life the most romantic thing. Dear friends, if you accidentally also get a and I like the small pets, you must treat it, because it will and I do like you!

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