
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

June 13th, 2011Dear Michael, I’m glad to tell you something about our colorful school life.We usually have our activities from 4:30 to 6:00 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. Some of us are interested in sports. They play football and basketball. Every term there is a basketball match between students and teachers in our school. We also have some clubs, such as drawing club, dancing club and singing club. But computer is the most popular in our school now. We have a computer room in our school. There’re more than 100 computers in it. Every afternoon, some students go and play computer games. On Thursday afternoon we go to English corner. We like talking in English there. We like English corner very much. Because we practice lots of oral English there.We hope we can spend more time on such activities and less time on homework.Yours Li Ming 试题分析:这是一篇书信类作文,且是给你的英国笔友Michael写一封信,介绍你们的校园活动,并说说你对校园活动的看法,所以要用第一人称来写。需要写的内容已经给出,但是写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的书信。一定要谈谈自己的看法,需要注意至少包含两项校园活动,要求意思、语句连贯,需要注意紧扣文章主题。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。同时注意词数80—100,开头已给出,不计入总词数;注意书信格式,信中不得出现真实姓名和校名。点评:本文属于书信类作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。

Dear Michael,How are you? These days, I am planning to travel abroad during the vacation. I think traveling abroad is very meaningful. First, traveling abroad can broaden my horizons. When I visit a foreign country, I can learn more about the customs and history of the country. At the same time, I can make lots of friends. Besides, communicating with the local people will give me the chance to learn a foreign language. The most important thing is that I can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Michael, please come to China when you are free. I do hope you can witness the great changes in China. Best Wishes!Yours truly,Li Hua 略

Dear Michael,
I’m glad to tell you something about our colourful school life.
We usually have our activities from 4:30 to 6:00 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. Some of us are interested in sports. They play football and basketball. Every term there is a basketball match between students and teachers in our school. We also have some clubs, such as drawing club, dancing club and singing club. But computer is the most popular in our school now. We have a computer room in our school. There’re more than 100 computers in it. Every afternoon, some students go and play computer games. On Thursday afternoon we go to English corner. We like talking in English there. We like English corner very much. Because we practice lots of oral English there.
We hope we can spend more time on such activities and less time on homework.
Li Ming
June 13th, 2011

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